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RV Collegeofof Go, change the world


Dept of Mech. Engg.

Unit 5: Research Proposal

M Krishna
RV College of Go, change the world
Engineering Presentation Agenda

1. Proposal:
 Purpose,
 Types,
 Development of Proposal,
 Evaluation of Research Proposal.
2. Report Writing:
 Pre-writing consideration,
 Format of Reporting,
 Briefing
3. Best practices for Journal writing
Research Proposal
RV College of Go, change the world

Mechanical Engineering Department


A report is a statement of the result of an investigation or

of any matter on which definite information is required
(Oxford English Dictionary)
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Objective of Report Go, change the world

Writing Engineering Department

• Understand the purposes of a report

• Plan a report
• Understand the structure of a report
• Collect information for your report
• Organize your information
• Use an appropriate style of writing
• Present data effectively
• Understand how to lay out your information in an
appropriate way
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1. Significance of Report Go, change the world

Writing Mechanical Engineering Department


 It is considered a major component of the research study as the research remains

incomplete without report
 A report should be properly dated and signed by the concerned authority or by the
chairman of the committee or by all committee member. This has a legal significance
and needs special attention in report writing
 A lengthy report is not necessary. Infact, report should be brief and compact
document, it shuld give complete picture of problem under investigation
 Writing reports needs skills and this task should be accomplished by the researcher
with utmost care.
 Reports communicate the planning, policies, and other matters regarding an
 Reports discloses unknown information
 A good reports is one which is drafted in simple and clear language. It should not be
difficult and a reader should be able to understand the entire report easily, exactly and
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1. Significance of Report Go, change the world

Mechanical Engineering Department

 All the skills and the knowledge of the professionals are communicated through
 Reports help the top line in decision making
 A true and balanced report also helps in problem solving
 A repot should be in proper format. The report should have all essentials components
such as title, introduction (Background), methodology, findings and
 Repots presents adequate information on various aspects of the research or business
 In a report writing attention should be given to certain essential technical details
 The data collection, analysis and interpretation of data conclusion drawn and the
recommendation made in report should be made accurate so as to make the whole
report reliable and dependable for future reference and also for policy decisions
 Lastly, the page and paragraphs of the report should be numbered properly. Marginal
heading and title should be given. This gives convenience to readers
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2. Types of Report Go, change the world

Mechanical Engineering Department

During studies at university you may be asked to write different
types of report
 Laboratory Report
 Technical Report
 Report of a work placement or industrial visits
 Report of a field trip or field work
 Dissertation Report: A long essay, especially one written for a
university degree or diploma
 Thesis: A long essay or desecration involving personal research,
written as part of a university Doctorate Degree
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2. Different Steps in Writing Go, change the world

Report Mechanical Engineering Department


1. Logical analysis of the subject matter

 Primarily concerned with the development of a subject
 There are two ways in which to develop a subject
(a) Logically
(b) Chronologically

2. Preparation of the final outline

 Outlines are the framework upon which long written works are
 They are an aid to the logical organization of the material and a reminder
of the points to be stressed in the report
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2. Different Steps in Writing Go, change the world

Report Mechanical Engineering Department


3. Preparation of the rough draft

 This follows the logical analysis of the subject and the preparation of the
final outline
 Such a step is of utmost impertinence for the researcher now sits to write
down what he has done in the context of he is research study.
 He will write down the procedure adopted by him in collecting the
materials for his study along with various limitation faced by him
 The various suggestion he wants to offer regarding the problem

4. Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft

 This step happens to the most difficult part of all formal writing
 In addition the researcher should give due attention to fact that in his
rough draft he has been consistent or not. He should the mechanics of
writing-grammer, spelling and usage
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2. Different Steps in Writing Go, change the world

Report Mechanical Engineering Department


5. Preparation of final bibliography

 Next in order come the task of the preparation of the final bibliography
(References). The bibliography, which is generally appended to the research
 The bibliography should be arranged as per university norms (either
chronologically or alphabetically
 Generally this pattern of bibliography is considered convenient and satisfactory
from the point of view of reader
6. Writing the Final draft
 The final draft should be written in a concise and objectives style and in simple
 Avoiding vague expression such as a “it seems”, “There may be” and “the line
 It must be remembered that every report should be an attempt to solve some
intellectual problem and must contribute to the solution of a problem and must add
to the knowledge of both the researcher and the reader
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3. Layout of Report
Mechanical Engineering Department

Broad Division Individual Sections

Title of the report
1. Preliminary Material
Table of contents
Abstract / Synopsis
Introduction (Background studies)
Literature Review
2. Body of Report Methodology
Results and Discussion
Scope for Future work
References / bibliography
3. Supplementary Material
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Title page Go, change the world

Mechanical Engineering Department


 The title itself is an important opportunity to tell the potential reader what your
research is about
 Format for the title page is likely to be a required in your discipline, so you need to
check what that is

Title page bearing :

 The title of the dissertation
 The degree for which it is submitted
 The anticipated year of graduation
 The Student’s first name, initials
and surname along with Guide name
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Table of Contents Go, change the world

Mechanical Engineering Department


 The titles of parts, section or chapters and their principal and their principal
subdivision should be listed in the Table of Content and must be worded exactly as
they appear in the body of report

Sub Heading
5.2 Effect of Stress Level

Sub sub-heading
5.2.1 Mean Stress
(No further sub-division is allowed)

 Major headings and sub-headings are type closer with the left margin
 Candidate is free to label or give title for each chapter as sensible possible
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Abstract or Summary Go, change the world

The abstract should be placed immediately before the first

chapter of the report
It should take the form of a short factual statement
identifying the topic of your study, the approach adopted and
the finds
Birdseye view of the result
It is likely to be used by future students and by other
researchers Mechanical Engine
The abstract should give a brief exposition of research
problem, purposes of the study, scope of study, research
approach and limitation
Including the concussions
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Chapter 1- Introduction Go, change the world

Although this is the first piece of writing the reader comes to, it
is often best to leave its preparation to last as, until then, you
will not be absolutely sure what you are introducing
 Background of study
 Statement of the problem
 Research Question
 Objectives of study
 Limitations Mechanical Engine
 Company profile
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Chapter 2- Literature Review Go, change the world

The purpose of this chapter is to show that you are aware of

where your own piece of research fits into the overall context of
research in your field. To do this you need to

 Describe the current state of research in your defined area

 Consider whether there are any closely related areas that
your also need to refer to
 Identify a gap where you argue that further researchEngine
Mechanical is
 Explain how you plan to attend to that particular research
RV College of
Chapter 2- Literature Review Go, change the world

The purpose of this chapter is to show that you are aware of where your
own piece of research fits into the overall context of research in your
field. To do this you need to
Describe the current state of research in your defined area
 Consider whether there are any closely related areas that your also
need to refer to
 Identify a gap where you argue that further research is needed
 Explain how you plan to attend to that particular research gap, this
can lead logically into a clear statement of the research questions or
problems you will be addressing
Mechanical Engine
 In addition to the research context there may be other relevant
contexts to present for example
Theoretical context, Methodological context; practice context and
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Chapter 3- Methodology Go, change the world

Methodology checklist
Does the Methodology / research method section
• Plain when where, and how the research was done?
• Include subsection or informative headings as appropriate (e.g.
evaluation criteria)?
• Mention which method / tools were use to collect data
• How was the data collected or generated
• How was it analyzed? In other words, it shows your reader how
you obtained your results. But why do you need to explain how you
obtained your results?
Mechanical Engine
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Chapter 4- Results and Go, change the world

 If you have organized, displayed and analyzed your data, it is time to
write it up, and the place for his is the results section
 The key to great results section is in describing your results-you need
to tell your readers exactly what your found out. This is where your
document what was observed or discovered. It is not the place for
 Things to remember when writing up results include
 Focus on the key results
 Be clear and concise
 Don’t go into too much detail
Mechanical Engine
 Let your pictures do the talking
 However, be careful not to omit anything important things
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Chapter 4- Results and Go, change the world

This section has four purposes, it should:
 Interpret and explain your results
 Answer your research questions
 Justify your approach
 Critically evaluate your study

Mechanical Engine
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Engineering Chapter 5- Conclusion and Go, change the world

This chapter tends to be much shorter than discussion

It is not a mere ‘summary’ of your research, but needs to be ‘conclusions’

as to the main points that have emerged and what they mean for your

These can take two forms: recommendations for further study, or
Mechanical Engine
recommendation for change, or both. Each recommendation should
trace directly to a conclusion
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Engineering Chapter 6- References Go, change the world

Whenever you cite information (this includes photos and Graphics) from
another source, you must credit the source in your Reverences. Always
check with your instructor to determine which reference style to use
Chronological type or Alphabet type

Mechanical Engine
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Engineering Appendices / Annexure Go, change the world

When to use them

• Material that is related but supplementary to the main argument
• Brief material referred to throughout your dissertation, such as a piece
of legislation or historical document
• Complex tables or data

Avoid using appendices just to avoid making hard editing decisions about material
your cannot include in the final text-exceeding the word limit will usually be penalized
and tutors will often not read beyond this
Examples of appendix materials Mechanical Engine
 Transcription(s) of intervie(s)
 Examples and / or full rsults of questionnaires
 Materials not published in standard sources such as correspondence between your
and author whose writing you are researching
 Large tables of data
RV College of
Engineering 4. Ethical Issues related to Research Go, change the world

Research Ethics : It focuses on the disciplines that study standards of

conduct such as Philosophy, theology, law, psychology or sociology.


Research ethics as a Mehtod, procedure, or perspective for analyzing

complex problems and issue. For instance, t in considering a complex
issue like global warming, one may talk an economic, ecological, political
or ethical perspective on the problem
Mechanical Engine
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Engineering Important of Ethics in Research Go, change the world

There are several reasons why ethics is important to adhere to ethical

norms in research

 First norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth

and avoidance of error.
eg. Prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying or misrepresenting research data
promote the truth and avoid error.

 Second since research often involves a great deal of cooperation and

coordination among many different people in different Engine
disciplines and
institution, ethical standards promote the values that are essential to
collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect.
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Engineering Important of Ethics in Research.. Go, change the world

 Third norms ensure that researcher can be held accountable to the

public. For instance, federal policies on research misconduct, conflicts
of interest, the human subjects protections and animal care and use are
necessary in order to make sure that researchers who are funded by
public money can be helod accountable to the public
 Fourth ethical norms in research also help to build public support for
research. People more likely to fund research project if they can trust
the quality and integrity of research
 Finally, many of the norms of research promote a variety of other
important moral and social values, such as social responsibility,
human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law and health and
RV College of
Engineering Ethical Issues Regarding Copyright Go, change the world

 You need permission to use figures and tables from other published
 Quotes are okay if properly referenced
 Usually it is no problem getting permission for educational purpose
( bad things may happen to you if you are intentionally unethical)

Mechanical Engine
RV College of
Engineering Area of scientific dishonesty Go, change the world

1. Plagiarism: Using other people’s work without acknowledging their

2. Fabrication and falsification:
Fabrication: is making up results and recording or reporting them.
This is sometime refereed to as “dry labbing”
Falsification is manipulating research materials equipment or
processes or chaning or omitting data or results such that the
research is not accurately represent in the reaserch record
3. Nonpublications of data: Data was suppressed. It is not ethical to
Mechanical Engine
ignore exceptions and just try to explain to oneself the reason for
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Engineering Area of scientific dishonesty Go, change the world

4. Faulty data-gathering : If machines are not calibrated correctly, if

subjects do not follow procedure correctly, if untrained research
assistants are used (may give different instructions), if testing occurs
at different times of the day.
5. Poor data storage and retention : Should be available for verification of
6. Misleadign authorship: People take credit who really make very little
contribution to the study. If fellow graduate students assits your they
should not expect to be named. The same is true with faculty advisors
unless they have made a signficatn contribution to the study (which
often occurs)
RV College of
Engineering Ethical Principal Go, change the world

 Honesty  Responsible mentoring

 Objectivity  Respect for colleagues
 Integrity  Social responsibility
 Carefulness  Non discrimination
 Openness  Competence
 Respect for intellectual  Legality
property  Stigmatization
 Confidentiality  Animal care and
 Responsible publications  Human subject protection
Mechanical Engine
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Engineering 5. Publishing- Motivation Go, change the world

 Desire to get a research degree ( M.Tech,

Ph.D / Post Doc, etc)

 Desire to face the challenge in solving

the unsolved problems

 Desire to get intellectual joy of doing

some creative work

 Desire to be of service to society

 Desire to get respectability

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Engineering 5. Publishing- Key Elements of Go, change the world

Key Element of Publishing
Selection Purpose
Title Clearly describes contents
Author Ensure recognition for the writer
Abstract Describes what was done
Key wards Ensure article is properly identified in abstracting & indexing
Introduction Explains the motivation (state of art, problem and research gap)
Methodology Explains how the data were collected
Results Described what was discovered
Discussion Discusses the implications of the findings
Acknowledgements Ensures those who helped in the research are recognized
References Ensures previously published work is recognized
Appendix Provide supplementary data for the expert reader
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Engineering 6. Plagiarism Go, change the world

 To use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own
words or ideas
 To steal ad pass off (the ideas or words of another0 as one’s own: use
(another’s production) without crediting the source
 To commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or
product derived from an existing source.
 Copying someone’s work
 Citing a source improperly
 Failure to cite a source
 Turning in another person’s work as your won
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Engineering 6. Plagiarism Go, change the world

How to avoid Plagiarism

1. Summarize
 You must reference the original source
 Your summary should be shorter than the text you are summarizing
 You must use your own words, usually with a very limited use of
2. Paraphrase
 You must reference the original source
 The text you produce may be shorter or longer than the original
 You must use your own words
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Engineering Plagiarism Go, change the world

How to avoid Plagiarism…

3. Quote
 You must reference the original source
 The test produced is the exact length of the original text quoted
(unless ellipses are used)
 You must use the original author’s exact words and you must put
quotation marks around them
 You must include the page number of the source from which you
borrowed the author’s original language
 You can introduce quotes with phrases like According to Bob Jone,
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Thank You for Your Kind


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