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Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms
— such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many
organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally
harmless or even helpful. But under certain
conditions, some organisms may cause disease.
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF).
Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with a virus that
can cause illness in humans and other primates (monkeys, gorillas, and

The first Ebola outbreaks occurred in remote villages in Central Africa,

near tropical rainforests. The 2014–2016 outbreak in West Africa was
the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the virus was first
discovered in 1976
Causative Agent
The Ebola virus is a member of the family
filoviridae and is the causative
agent of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF).
Means Of Spread
Ebola can spread when people come into contact with
infected blood or body fluids.
• Fever
• Aches and pains, such as severe headache, muscle and joint pain, and
abdominal (stomach) pain
• Weakness and fatigue
• Gastrointestinal symptoms including diarrhea and vomiting
• Abdominal (stomach) pain
Treatment and Prevention
The best way to avoid Ebola is to stay away from areas where the virus is
common. If you are in an outbreak area: Avoid infected people, their body fluids,
and the bodies of anyone who has died from the disease. Avoid contact with wild
animals, like bats and monkeys, and their meat.

In December 2016, a study found the VSV-EBOV vaccine to be 95–100% effective
against the Ebola virus, making it the first proven vaccine against the disease.


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