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Artikel Kesehatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya Terbaru

Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West

African region, causing the worlds attention. WHO has released the data,
there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has
a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately,
vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still havent found yet.
The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus
only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved
into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This
year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two
times more than in 1976, reported by
The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused
anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the bodys defense system is similar with
the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high
fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus
What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This
virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing
to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After
attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney,
brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of
kidney failure.
Very Fast Transmission
Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and
all the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must
be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical
teams who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to
prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has
been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel
warning for the people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and
There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and
do not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs
will be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased.
Terjemahan Artikel Kesehatan
Waspada Epidemi EbolaBaru-baru ini, ebola epidemi yang menyerang
wilayah Afrika Barat menyebabkan perhatian dunia. WHO telah merilis data,

setidaknya ada 800 orang yang meninggal setelah virus Ebola. Penyakit ini
memiliki angka kematian yang sangat tinggi, 90 persen dari pasiennya
meninggal. Sayangnya, vaksin atau obat untuk mengobati Ebola masih
belum menemukan belum.
Virus Ebola pertama kali ditemukan di Afrika pada tahun 1976. Awalnya,
virus ini hanya menyerang primata seperti monyet dan kera. Tapi sekarang,
telah berkembang menjadi penyakit berbahaya karena ebola menular ke
manusia. Tahun ini, virus Ebola sedang mengganas, jumlah kematian telah
meningkat 2 kali lebih banyak dari pada tahun 1976, dilaporkan oleh
Meningkatnya kasus ebola epidemi di Afrika Barat di 2014 menyebabkan
kecemasan. Virus Ebola yang menyerang sistem pertahanan tubuh mirip
dengan virus HIV. Gejala awal mirip dengan gejala flu seperti demam tinggi,
badan lemas, nyeri otot dan sakit kepala.
Virus Paling Mematikan
Yang membuat virus Ebola menjadi begitu berbahaya adalah kemampuannya
untuk berkembang biak. Virus ini dapat menggumpalkan sel darah, kondisi
ini dapat menghambat darah mengalir ke organ lain. Jika organ kekurangan
darah, akan menyebabkan beberapa kerusakan. Setelah menyerang darah,
virus ebola juga menyerang organ yang lain, seperti ginjal, otak, usus, hati
dan sebagainya. Banyak pasien ebola meninggal karena gagal ginjal.
Penularan yang Sangat Cepat
penularan virus Ebola dapat terjadi dari kontak cairan tubuh, darah, dan
semua hal yang telah digunakan oleh pasien. Oleh karena itu, pasien ebola
harus diisolasi untuk menghindari kontak langsung dengan orang lain. Tim
medis yang menangani pasien juga harus memakai baju khusus untuk
mencegah penyebaran virus. Saat ini, satu warga Amerika Serikat telah
terinfeksi ebola. Departemen Kesehatan Indonesia
sendiri telah
mengeluarkan travel warning bagi orang-orang yang akan mengunjungi
negara-negara Guinea, Sierra dan Liberia.
Ada beberapa cara untuk mencegah virus ebola. Kami harus tetap bersih dan
tidak melakukan kontak langsung dengan penderita. Mudah-mudahan,
vaksin dan obat-obatan akan ditemukan sehingga jumlah korban tewas
dapat berkurang

Beware of Ebola Epidemic Recently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West
African region, causing the worlds attention, WHO has released the data,
there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. The Ebola virus
was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks
primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous
disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. Ebola virus which
attacks the bodys defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early
symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness,
muscle pain and headache.
What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This
virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing
to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. .
After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as
kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because
of kidney failure.
Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and
all the things that have been used by patient. There fore, ebola patients
must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. There
are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do not
make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be
discovered so the number of dead can be decreased

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