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Physiological Changes to woman during pregnancy:

-Urinary System
-Integumentary System

Group 5:
Mary. Taukei’aho
Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops inside a woman's womb or
uterus. Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, or just over 9 months

During this period a mother faces physiological changes in her body systems that occurs to assist in her
Urinary System: Renal Tract in Pregnancy
Organ Change

Renal blood flow Significant increase 35%-60%(end of first trimester), slight

decrease until end of pregnancy.

Glomerular capillaries Vasodilation in afferent and efferent capillaries

Glomerular filtration rate Increase 40%-50% (greater proportion of renal blood filtered)

Tubular function Increase reabsorption of solutes.

Increase excretion of:
- Glucose - urea
- Protein - uric acid
- amino acid - water soluble vitamins
- Calcium - Hydrogen ions
- Phosphorous
Retention of sodium and water.
Organ Change

Renin-angiotensin aldosterone -Is the system of hormones,proteins,enzymes and reaction

system that regulate your blood pressure and blood volume on a long
(brain, adrenal cortex, lungs and basis.
kidney) -A woman’s blood volume increases by 50% during
-Blood volume increases significantly within the first few weeks of
gestation and increases progressively throughout the pregnancy.

Glucose -Increased production of glucose by the placenta. The

placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during
pregnancy and connects the fetus to the mother’s blood
supply. The placenta produces glucose to meet the needs of
the growing fetus.

Amino acids -Protein excretion increases(varies daily).

-It is essential for the maintenance of a successful pregnancy.
Integumentary System
● Acne
- Increased blood flow and oil production are the factors behind the radiant pregnancy glow. That radiance sometimes
comes with a price, as the increased oil production can result in acne.
● Dark spots
- A natural increase in melanin during pregnancy is responsible for areas of darkened skin, especially on the face known
as chloasma ( or melasma)
- Hormonal changes will make your nipples and the area around them go darker. Birthmarks, moles and freckles may
also darken. Some women develop a dark line down the middle of their stomach, called 'linea nigra'.
● Stretch marks
- You may also develop stretch marks on your body, particularly around your stomach where your skin is stretching to
accommodate your growing baby. it can happen anywhere there is rapid growth and stretching of the skin
● Spider veins and varicose veins
- Spider veins come from hormonal changes and increased blood volume during pregnancy. They appear as tiny red
veins on the face, neck, and arms.
- Varicose veins happen because of the weight and pressure of the uterus compressing the veins. This decreases the
blood flow from the lower body. The veins in the legs become swollen, sore, and blue.
Other Conditions:

● Itchy skin
- Itchy skin is common, especially in the winter, when skin is dry and easily irritated. Some women develop a rash or
itchy bumps that are caused by a variety of conditions.
● Hair growth
- Hormones of pregnancy can increase hair growth. Many women notice that their hair is thicker and healthier looking.
Sometimes those hormones cause hair growth in other places, too, like on the face or neck

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