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Globalization and the Technology

Presented by:
Bravo, Jan Niño
I. Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the discussion, the students shall be
able to:
1. Determine whats Technology
2. Indentify whats Globalization
3. Evaluate the relationship between Globalization
and Technology
II. Content (International Bases)
Globalization and the Technology
- Can be define as the increasing speed of technological
diffusion across the global economy. It refers to the
spread of technologies around the globe, and particularly
from developed to developing nations.
A. Key Concept
- Increasing speed of technological diffusion
- Spread of technologies
- Developed to developing nations
II. Content (International Bases)
Globalization and the Technology
- Technology facilitates globalization while makes
technology more valuable. The process of globalization is
closely linked to technology innovation.
A. Key Concept
- Technology facilitates globalization
- Technology innovation
II. Content
- National Bases Not Available
- Local Bases Not Available
A. Instructional Framework (SQ3R or K-W-L
- On the next slide
B. Connection to Industrial Technology Course
● Globalization has had a significant impact on technology in the
industrial technology course. The increasing interconnectedness and
integration of economies and cultures worldwide have facilitated the
rapid development and dissemination of technology.
What I know What I want to know What I learned

Technology has been a key Whats the positive and I learned that globalization
driver of globalization, negative effects of has driven technological
enabling the rapid exchange globalization in technology? advancements in
of information and the Whats the relationship of manufacturing processes.
integration of markets globalization in technology? Industrial technology
worldwide. The rise of the students learn about
internet, mobile devices, and advanced technologies like
other digital technologies has robotics, automation, and
revolutionized global additive manufacturing,
communications. People now which have revolutionized
have instant access to production systems across
information, can connect with the globe. These
others across the globe technologies enable efficient
through social media and cost-effective production,
platforms, and collaborate in allowing companies to
real-time with colleagues compete in the global
located anywhere. marketplace.
Globalization boosts technological development

• First, globalization allows countries to gain easier access

to foreign knowledge.
Key Concept
● Easier access to foreign knowledge
Globalization boosts technological development
● Second, it enhances international competition—including
as a result of the rise of emerging market firms—and this
strengthens firms' incentives to innovate and adopt foreign
● Key Concept
● Emerging market firms
● Incentives and innovate
● Adopt foreign technologies
III. Review of Related Literature (Int. Bases)
● (Archibugi & Pietrobelli, 2003). Globalization offers a new
opportunity to disseminate information, but that does not
guarantee that all nations and organizations can benefit.
Developing countries are not specifically exempt.
● Straub (2009) noticed, technology adoption is a complex
social and developmental process dependent on
individual construct. Globalization improves technology
adoption through the transfer of foreign knowledge,
enhancing international competition.
● (Huggins, Prokop & Thompson, 2020). Globalization-induced innovation
appears to be more product-oriented than process-oriented. Technology and
knowledge spillover effects are higher in high- and middle-income to low-
income countries.
● Ejiaku (2014) analyzed the challenges associated with the adoption of
information technology in developing nations. Poor government policies,
inadequate infrastructure, and inadequate training and qualifications contribute
to the creation of challenges in transferring and adopting information
● Oleschewski, Renken and Mueller (2018) examined technology readiness and
social influence in the acceptance of collaboration technologies. The authors
examined the impact of these factors on the adoption of technology and their
re-orientation beyond traditional adoption research, which focused on the initial
acceptance of the technology. They noted that social influence is a dominant
factor in the context of personal acceptance of collaboration technologies,
surpassing technological readiness and traditional adoption measures.
IV. Definition of Terms
• Technological globalization- refers to the spread of
technologies around the globe, and particularly from developed to
developing nations.
• Technological diffusion- the process by
which innovations (be they new products, new processes or new
management methods) spread within and across economies.
• Economic Globalization- refers to the increasing
interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing
scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of
international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.
● Cultural Globalization - Process whereby particular
cultures, meanings, ideas, values, and experiences are
disseminated throughout the world through a variety of means,
major among which include trans-border movements of people,
popular culture media, and international communication.

● Social Globalization- refers to the sharing of ideas and

information between and through different countries. In today's
world, the Internet and social media is at the heart of this. Good
examples of social globalisation could include internationally
popular films, books and TV series.
V. My point of view
a.My own idea
The impact of techology in globalization it has
made easier than ever to connect with people all
over the world. With the rise of social media and
messaging apps, give the free and easy to do it.
VII. References
Daniele Archibugi, Carlo Pietrobelli, The globalisation of technology and its
implications for developing countries: Windows of opportunity or further burden?,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 70, Issue 9, 2003,
Pages 861-883, ISSN 0040-1625,
. (

Marinko Skare, Domingo Riberio Soriano, How globalization is changing digital

technology adoption: An international perspective, Journal of Innovation &
Knowledge, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 222-233, ISSN 2444-569X,
Huggins, R., Prokop, D., & Thompson, P. (2020). Universities and open
innovation: The determinants of network centrality. The Journal of Technology
Transfer, 45, 718-757.
Ejiaku, S. A. (2014). Technology adoption: Issues and challenges in information
technology adoption in emerging economies. Journal of International Technology
and Information Management, 23(2), 5.
Olschewski, M., Renken, U., & Mueller, B. (2018). Collaboration technology
adoption: Is it me or them?. International Journal of Technology Diffusion
(IJTD), 9(3), 13-28.

toneman, P L, 1985. "

Technological Diffusion : The Viewpoint of Economic Theory,"
The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS) 270, University of
Warwick, Department of Economics.
Drew, C. (May 11, 2023). Technological Globalization – Examples, Pros and Cons.
Helpful Professor.

Economic Globalization: Trends, Risks and Risk Prevention. Gao Shangquan.https


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