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Evolution of operating system

1980 1956
Resident monitor
os os
Complex (unix)
1990 1990 Present
Rise of the smartphones os
Rise of theofoperating
Rise system
the operating system Rise of the operating system
In the 1970s, IT became more complex, giving rise to
This technology elaborate
tapes or punched cards to load
early operating systems like UNIX, which have
The 1990s built upon the momentum of the 1980s,
In the current decade, the prominence of
on what
programs you want
into computers. In 1956, it led to the creation
influenced modern ones. These systems were mainly for
resulting in the development of operating systems
smartphones has led to the emergence of popular
to discuss.
of the first-ever operating system for an IBM 704
skilled users and required substantial computing
that still influence modern versions today. A notable
operating systems like Android, developed by
computer. This operating system loaded programs example is GNU/Linux, which evolved from UNIX
resources. Other notable systems of the time were Google, and iOS, created by Apple.
sequentially, minimizing task completion time. and stands as a significant example of free software.
MULTICS, BDOS, and CP/M, frequently used on Intel
microprocessor-based computers.

1960 1980 2000

Temporary storage Commercial computing Less impacting operating system
This system aimed to enhance speed by loading The 1980s marked a surge in commercial computing, During the early 2000s, a succession of new operating
programs and executing tasks simultaneously. In the with computers becoming commonplace in offices and systems emerged, although with less significant impact
1960s, the advent of integrated circuits boosted homes. This shift led to the need for more user-friendly compared to the prior decade. Nevertheless, they found
computer power, prompting operating systems to operating systems that incorporated graphical elements their niche. Notable ones include SymbOS, MorphOS,
become more intricate and introduce novel techniques like menus. Darwin, Mac OS, Haiku, and OpenSolaris.
in response.

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