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Sintaria Praptinasari, M.Si

 Aritmatika merupakan bagian dari matematika yang
mempelajari tentang operasi dasar bilangan
(penjumlahan,pengurangan, perkalian dan
pembagian). Penguasaan pada keempat operasi dasar
tersebut mutlak diperlukan untuk mempelajari aljabar.
Berpikir aljabar merupakan jembatan antara aritmatika
dengan aljabar.
Whole Numbers
(Bilangan Cacah)
 The natural numbers are the counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, ... .
 Later on, we will need the sequence of negative numbers
−1,−2,−3,−4,−5,−6, ... . Taken together, all these numbers are
called the integers.
 For now, we concentrate on the non-negative integers (including
0), which we call whole numbers. We need only ten symbols to
write any whole number. These symbols are the digits
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
 It helps to visualize the integers laid out on a number line, with 0 in the
middle, and the natural numbers increasing to the right. There are numbers
between any two integers on the number line. In fact, every location on
the line represents some number. Some locations represent fractions
such as one-half (between 0 and 1) or four-thirds (between 1 and 2). Other
locations represent numbers which cannot be expressed as fractions, such
as π(π is located between 3 and 4 and expresses the ratio of the
circumference to the diameter of any circle.)
Adding Whole Number

 The first question leads us to an important property of

addition, namely, that for any two numbers x and y,
x + y = y + x.
 In other words, the order in which two numbers are added
does not effect the sum. This property of addition is called
 Ex????
x + 0 = x = 0 + x.

 In other words, when 0 is added to any number, x, you

get the identical number, x, again. Because of this
property, 0 is called the additive identity.

 One final property of addition is expressed in the following

(x + y) + z = x + (y + z),
 which says that if three numbers are added, it doesn’t matter how
you “associate” the additions: you can add the first two numbers
first, and then add the third to that, or, you could add the second
two numbers first, and then add the first to that. This property of
addition is called associativity.
Subtracting Whole Numbers

 When we study negative numbers, we will see that

subtraction is not commutative. We can see by a
simple example that subtraction is also not

(x-y)-z ≠ x-(y-z)
It is true that

 for any number x. However, 0 is not an identity for

subtraction, since 0 − x is not equal to 0 (unless x = 0).
To make sense of 0 − x, we will need negative
Checking Subtractions
 Subtraction is the “opposite” of addition, so any
subtraction problem can be restated in terms of
 In general, if subtraction has been performed correctly,
adding the difference to the subtrahend returns the
minuend. This gives us a good way to check

x+y=z  z-x=y
Multiplying Whole Numbers
Multiplication is really just repeated addition. When we say “4 times 3
equals 12,” we can think of it as starting at 0 and adding 3 four times over:
0 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12.
We can leave out the 0, since 0 is the additive identity ( 0+3 = 3). Using
the symbol × for multiplication, we write

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 4 × 3 = 12.
The result of multiplying two or more numbers is called the product of the
numbers. Instead of the × symbol, we often use a central dot (·) to indicate
a product.

Thus, for example, instead of 2 × 4 = 8, we can write 2 · 4 = 8

Commutativity, Associativity, Identity, the Zero Property

An examination of the multiplication table leads us to an important property

of 0, namely, when any number, N, is multiplied by 0, the product is 0:
0 · N = N · 0 = 0.
It also shows us an important property of 1, namely, when any number, N, is
multiplied by 1, the product is the identical number, x, again:
1 · N = N · 1 = N.
For this reason, 1 is called the multiplicative identity.
 The following example should help you to see that multiplication is commutative.


Powers of Whole Numbers

 If we start with 1 and repeatedly multiply by 3, n times over, we

get a number that is called the n power of 3, written
 3 ⁿ = 1 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 x....n
 The factor of 1 is understood and usually omitted. Instead we
simply write
 3ⁿ = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3x....n
 In the expression 3ⁿ, 3 is called the base, and n the exponent (or
Square and Cube
Division of Whole Numbers
 Unlike the other three operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication), the result of a division of whole numbers consists
of not one but two whole numbers: the number of subtractions
performed (4 in the example), and the number left over (8 in the
example). These two numbers are called the quotient and the
remainder, respectively.
 say exactly the same thing. In general,
a ÷ b = c and a = b · c  are equivalent statements.
Order of operations

 We often do calculations that involve more than one operation

 involves both addition and multiplication. Which do we do first?

 to have a definite and unambiguous meaning, we need a convention

or agreement about the order of operations. It could have been
otherwise, but the convention in this case is:
multiplication before addition.
 The precedence of multiplication can be made explicit
using the grouping symbols () (parentheses):
1 + (2 × 3) = 1 + 6 = 7.
 If one of us insists that the addition be done first, we
can do that by re-setting the parentheses:
(1 + 2) × 3 = 3 × 3 = 9.
 The square root symbol √ is also a grouping symbol.
For example √ 4 + 5 = √ 9 = 3.
 The √ symbol acts like a pair of parentheses, telling us to
evaluate what is inside (in this case, the sum 4 + 5) first, before
taking the square root.
 The order of operations is:
1. operations within grouping symbols first;
2. exponents and roots next;
3. multiplications and divisions (in order of appearance) next;
4. additions and subtractions (in order of appearance) last.
Pythagorean theorem

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