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Factors in Pupil’s Reading

Comprehension: Basis for

Enhancement Plan
Reading comprehension is a vital skill that empowers individuals to understand,
analyze, and learn from written materials, making it a cornerstone of effective
communication and lifelong learning.
Clark et al. (2013) as cited in Rojas (2022) emphasized that reading comprehension
is a vital skill for all learners to develop. It involves the ability to not only extract
information from written text but also to construct meaning by actively engaging with
the language used in the text. When students read, they interact with the words on
the page, make connections to their prior knowledge and experiences, and interpret
in information presented.
In other words, parents may face uncertainly regarding their children’s reading
comprehension difficulties. Identifying the precise cause may pose a challenge;
however, multiple factors may potentially contribute to these challenges. Parental
awareness of these factors and seeking appropriate support and guidance are vital
Moreover, Lynch (2020) further elucidate that there are many reason children may
encounter challenges in comprehending what they read due to various factors, such
as learning disabilities, difficulties with phonological awareness, and limited
vocabulary. To explain further, good comprehension is essential if reading is to be
done with purpose.
 If readers are to engage and learn from the text and ultimately, if readers are to
enjoy what they are reading.
 As reported by Lee & Chen (2019), vocabulary is positively related to reading
comprehension among students with moderate to high levels of fluency. This
means that for students who are relatively fluent readers, having a strong
vocabulary is associated with better reading comprehension outcomes. However,
among students with lower levels of fluency, vocabulary knowledge does not
uniquely contribute to reading comprehension.
 At some point, reading fluency improves substantially in the initial elementary
years. This period of rapid development occurs between Grades 2 and 3, when
children consolidate the skills involved in learning to read and then shift to an
emphasis on “reading to learn” (Fuchs et al., 2001; cited by Lee & Chen, 2019).
 Little is known, however, about the cognitive and environmental factors that effect
reading comprehension. Furthermore, there is a lack of empirical studies on
mechanisms underlying the relationship between critical factors and students’
reading comprehension in elementary school (Slavin et al., 2018).
Research Gap
 This study sought to determine The Factors affecting and pupils Reading Comprehension
in Grade 6 pupils in Talacdan Elementary School Year 2023-2024.

Purpose of Conducting this study

 The purpose of conducting this study is to determine what factors affecting pupils and
reading comprehension in Grade 6 pupils in Talacdan Elementary School.
 Consequently, the present study intends to help contribute positive change toward
reading comprehension among Grade 6 pupils in Talacdan Elementary School by
identifying the factors.
Statement of the Problem
 The main focus of this study will determine the factors
influencing the Reading Comprehension of Grade 6
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents when group according to:
a. Age,
b. Sex,
c. Parents Education Attainment,
d. Socio-economic status?
 2. What are the factors that influences in reading comprehension of pupils when group
according to:
a. Background knowledge,
b. Vocabulary knowledge,
c. Reading fluency,
d. Making inferences,
e. Home Environment
f. Social Environment
g. Cultural Environment
3. What is the extend of factors that influences in reading comprehension of elementary
4. Is there a significant difference in the factors that influence pupils reading
comprehension when they are grouped according to profile?
5. Is there a significant association between the factors and the reading comprehension of
elementary school pupils?
6. Based on the findings, what enhancement instructional development plan can be
Based on the aforementioned problems, the following hypothesis will be considered.
1. There is no significant difference in the factors that influence pupils reading
comprehension when they are grouped according to profile?
2. There is no significant relationship between the factors and the reading comprehension
of elementary school pupils?
Theoretical framework
This study basically stands on the position of Schema theory, proposed by Jean Piaget
(1926), suggests that readers used their existing knowledge and mental frameworks
(schemas) to interpret and understand new information presented in a text. These schemas
are developed through previous experiences, knowledge, and cultural background. The
theory highlights the active role of the reader in constructing meaning from the text and
emphasizes the importance of prior knowledge in comprehension.
The Interactive Compensatory Model (ICM) proposed by Stanovich & West (1989) states that
reading comprehension involves the interaction if multiple cognitive processes, such as
decoding, vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, and comprehension strategies.
These processes work together and compensate for each other’s limitation to facilitate
The Construction-Integration Model, involved by Kintsch (1998), suggest that readers
construct a mental representation or situation model of the text as they said. This model
involves integrating information from different parts of the text and making inferences to
create a coherent understanding of the overall meaning.
These theories provide different perspective on how reading comprehension occurs and offer
insights into the cognitive processes and strategies involved. It’s important to note that
these theories are not mutually exclusive and that multiple factors may contribute to an
individual’s reading comprehension abilities.
Demographic Profile

a. Age,
b. Sex,
c. Parents Educational
d. Socio-economic

Level of Reading
Factors Enhancement Plan

a. Background
b. Vocabulary Knowledge
c. Reading Fluency
d. Making inferences,
e. Home Environment
f. Social Environment,
g. Cultural Environment
Scope and delimitation of the study
The main focus of the study is to determine the extent of factors influencing the reading
comprehension of elementary school pupils. This will further determine the relationships
between the extent of factors that influence the reading comprehension of elementary
school pupils.
The researcher will use an adapted 28 item questionaire from Rojas (2022) on factors
affecting reading comprehension of elementary Grade learners. The questionnaire
comprises seven constructs such as background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, reading
fluency, making inferences, home environment, social environment, and cultural
A descriptive-correlational design will be used. This study will further use stratified random
sampling to identify the respondents. The statistical tools to be used are the frequency and
percentage distribution, weighted mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation analysis.
Significant of the study
Principal- This study may become beneficial in crafting plans, program to guide the
principal to initiate reading comprehension program that will enhance and improve learning
skills of the pupils in order to produce graduates who are competitive to face the
challenges that may encounter in the future.
Teachers- This study will this study will help teachers to inform of the attitudes and reading
comprehension skills of the pupils to think and initiate activities that will enhance their
pupils skills and will motivate them to participate in activities that truly interest them. In
addition the results of this study helps teacher to find the ways on how they can make a
task to improve reading comprehension skill of pupils.
Parents- This study will make the parents more conscious and be aware of the weakness of
their children in school, so that they can make action to help their children to improve their
reading comprehension.
Learners- Through this study learners will be able to know how important reading
comprehension in terms in education.
Future Reseacher- The researcher will benefit from this study as well. The challenges they
found while conducting the study may have straightened their weaknesses boosted their
confidence, increase their patients and provided them with additional knowledge and
information on how to deal with and understand the unique characteristics of students so
they will be prepared when they were in the actual field of teaching. In courage theIr incoming
student to develop their reading comprehension abilities.
Definition of terms
In order to enhance clarity and facilitate understanding for readers, the study you will
employ the following key terms, which will be defined conceptually and operationally by
providing clear definitions reader will gain a comprehensive grasp of these terms within
the context of the research. The definitions presented will serve as a foundation for the
subsequent discussion and analysis in the study, ensuring a common understanding of
these terms among all readers.
Age. Conceptually, the term refers to the length of time a person has lived since birth and is
often considered a demographic variable in various research studies (Bielak et al., 2018).
In this study, the term operationally refers to the age of grade 6 pupils who will be the
respondents to the study.
Sex. Conceptually, the term refers to the biological classification of learners as male or
female base on the reproductive characteristics (Kling et al., 2019)
Operationally, the term refers to the sexual identity of grade 6 pupils who will be participating
as respondents in the study. It pertains to how these learners personally identify and
experience themselves in terms of their sex, weather male or female.
Reading Comprehension. Conceptually, the term refers to the ability of the learners to
understand and make meaning from written text. Which involves actively engaging with a
text, interpreting and integrating information, making inferences and constructing a
coherent understanding of the material (Cain & Oakhill 2021).
In this study, the term refers to the reading comprehension of grade 6 pupils who will be
assessed through various methods, such as standardized reading comprehension text
reading task and comprehension questions tailored to their grade level and curriculum.
Factors. In the context of research the term refers to a variable or element that has the
potential to influence or impact the outcome or result of a particular phenomenon factors
are identified and examined to determine the relationship and contribution to the observed
outcomes (Gupta & Jha 2021).
Research Design Methodology
 This chapter presents and contains the
research design, research locale,
respondents of the study, data gathering
instruments validity and reliability of the
instrument, data gathering procedure and
data treatment.
Research Design
 The researcher use a quantitative type of research design. This
approach is used to describe and identify the factors affecting and
pupils reading comprehension of student in talacdan Elementary
 According to Bhardari (2020) quantitative
research is the process of collecting and
analyzing numeral data. It can be used to find
pattern and average, make predictions, test
casual relationships and generalize results to
wider population.
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