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Grade 8 - St. Maximilian | Feb.

17, 2023

Major Performance
Task in PE and
Members: Bonete, Dinorog, Gilbero, Guerrero
Grade 8 - St. Maximilian | Feb. 17, 2023

Disease (Chickenpox)
Chickenpox is a highly infectious illness
caused by the varicella-zoster virus. A super-
itchy skin rash with red blisters is a clear
indication of chickenpox. The blisters pop
and begin to leak over time. They then crust
and scab over before completely mending.
Signs and Symptoms
The initial symptom is typically a general
sense of being ill. This is usually followed by
the following symptoms:

● Body aches
● Fever
● Feeling extremely exhausted (fatigue)
● Feeling Irritated
● Loss of appetite
● Headache
Control and Prevention
What to do? What not to do?
● Wash your hands regularly ● Scratch blisters or scabs.
● Keep fingernails short to prevent scratching. ● Expose pregnant women, newborns, elderly
● Rest, but allow quiet activity. people, or those with low resistance to
● Use non-aspirin drugs for fever. infection to chickenpox.
● Notify school nurses and parents of playmates ● Let infected children go to school or day care
who may have been exposed. for at least 6 days after the first blisters
● Use antihistamines and cool sponge baths to appear.
reduce itching. ● Give aspirin to children younger than 16 years
● Call and inform your health care provider if because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome.
symptoms get mild
● Get the chickenpox vacccine even if you haven’t
gotten the disease

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