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Group 4/ 5E
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Member’s of Group
Salamah Amatul Islam 1212040151
Salma Salamah 1212040153
Syahira Ruqaya 1212040168
Yanti Komala 1212040184
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Table of content
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The Differences between
Definition of Reaserch Identifying of Research Research Problem in
Problem Problem Quantitative and Qualitative

4 5
Strategies for Writing a
Criteria for Selections
"Statement of research
Research Problem
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Definition of Reaserch
A research problem is a problem, issue, or question that
triggers or is the main reason why a study needs to be
conducted (Creswell, 1994).
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Identifying A Research Problem
1 Filling the Gaps in the Literature

2 Replication with Different Variables

3 Expansion of Research

4 Giving Voice to the Marginalized

5 Practical Information
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The differences between research problem in

quantitative and qualitative research

It is important to ensure strong alignment between

the nature of the research problem and the research
methods to be used by identify the nature of the
research question to be answered, the characteristics
of the data available, the level of complexity of the
problem being studied, and the research objectives to
be achieved
The Differences Morse (1991)

Qualitative Quantitative
• The concept is "nascent" due to a conspicuous • Best addressed by comprehending the
absence of theory and prior research; factors or variables that exert influence on
• There is a notion that the existing theories an outcome.
may be inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, or • Researchers occasionally advance a theory
biased; to be tested and undertake comprehensive
• There exists a need to delve into and describe literature reviews to identify research
the phenomena, eventually culminating in questions that necessitate answers.
theory development. • Typically articulated from an impersonal
• The nature of the phenomenon may not lend perspective and presented in the past tense
itself well to quantitative measurements to convey a sense of objectivity.
The Differences Creswell (2012)

Qualitative Quantitative
• Learn about the views of individuals • Measure Variables
• Assess a process over time • Assess the impact of these
• Generate theories based on participant variables on an outcome
perspectives • Test theories or broad explanation
• Apply results to a large number of
• Obtained Detailed information about a
few people or research sites
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Criteria for Selections Research Problem
The academic background, personal experience, aptitude, and
1 interest of the researcher

2 The purpose and objectives of the research

3 The originality and utility of the research

4 The feasibility and novelty of the research

5 The relevance and ethics of the research

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Strategies for Writing a "Statement of
research problem"
• The topic
• The research problem
• A justification of the importance of the problem
• The deficiencies in our existing knowledge about the problem.
• The audiences that will benefit from a study of the problem
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Strategies for Writing a "Statement of
research problem"

6. use frequent references

7. Be cautious about using quotes from the literature to begin a
study, especially in the first sentence
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Formulating a research problem is a crucial step in scientific research,
helping to define the direction and urgency of the study. The research
problem statement includes the introduction of the topic, its
significance, and the justification for the research, as well as an
emphasis on existing knowledge gaps. References and supporting
statistical data are essential to demonstrate the significance of the
research problem.
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