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Ethical Dilemmas

Of Nanotechnology
What is Nanotechnology?
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Ethical Dilemmas of Nanotechnology
• Issues raised regarding nanotechnology should be further
studied, and nanotechnology methods should be modified.
- For example: altering the composition of graphene

• Some studies also found microorganism that can

decompose graphene to make it less toxic for environment
(Zhang et al.,2011).
Ethical Dilemmas of Nanotechnology
• An identification of the ethical issues involved may be useful to decision
makers, particularly employers, workers, investors, and health authorities.

• These situations include the:

• a) identification and communication of hazards and risks by scientists,
authorities, and employers;
• b) workers’ acceptance of risk;
• c) selection and implementation of controls;
• d) establishment of medical screening programs; and
• e) investment in toxicologic and control research.
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