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By: Group 6 members

 Achoka Brian 16-1234

 Doreen Masika 17-0879
 Rachel Ngunjiri 18-0278
 John Malek Kur 18-0874
 Angela Muttai 18-1381
 Chepkoit Victor Kiprop 20-0049
 David Hamouda 20-0429
 Tresor Mucowintore 17-1778
 Grace Kageni 15-1338
 Public Speaking is the effective art of conveying messages to an audience. Gareis (2006) places
the art of Public Speaking as an important oral communication skill among skills such as
dialogue, debating and negotiations.
 Communicating lucidly is an important feature to hold when trying to both a familiar or an
unfamiliar audience.
 Public speakers excel in the act of captivating an audience whilst passing along a clear message.
THE SPEAKER: Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe
 Kenya’s very own Health Cabinet secretary is our idea of an ideal African public speaker.
Mutahi Kagwe saw his way into the limelight after the emergence of the Covid-19 virus in
Kenya. The Kenyan media has been able to capture his addresses to the public, beseeching the
people to observe the Covid-19 rules.
 He has since become a public figure and is very strong willed and keen to protect the Kenyan
people from the menace of the growing pandemic.
Hon.Mutahi Kagwe briefing the Kenyan media
Retrieved from:
 Knowledge of his audience – Health Cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe’s speech is normally
intended for the Kenyan people. Kenyan, he has a deep knowledge of the culture and tries to
make close references to practices such as social gatherings and Kenyans shared love for sports
and drinking which help in his delivery strategies.
 Knowledge of the topic – very passionate on health matters, he is well versed with all
knowledge appertaining the Covid-19 virus as well as other infections which make his speeches
 Organization – The cabinet secretary has established a strategic organizational delivery for his
speeches. He begins with salutations after which he gives the Kenyan people a breakdown
analysis and briefing of the Covid-19 virus and its statistics followed by stern warnings and
 Speaker credibility – Kenya’s beloved health secretary is an educated man with a political
background knowledge. He has a good education with a bachelor’s in Commerce as well as a
Master’s in the same field from the United States International University. He served as Nyeri
county’s first senator as well as a member of Parliament for Mukurweini constituency among other
accolades. He is therefore credible and has a vast knowledge on matters as well as the Kenyan
 Effective conclusions and calls to action – the cabinet secretary often winds up with a call to action.
At times, the conclusion is made to give a sense of urgency in the topic and at times it is made to be
 Effective use and control of tonal variations – Speaking on often distressing matters, the cabinet
secretary often has a way of impacting the mood to his speeches. When speaking of rising cases of
deaths and infections or warning people against disobeying set rules, he uses a stern tone. He
however uses a relaxed tone when making jokes in relation to the Kenyan people and has become a
favorite being captured in memes and Kenyan comedy videos.
 Interactive sessions – The African speaker along with his team usually allows for an interactive
session with the media where he replies to queries and concerns.
Hon. Mutahi Kagwe
Retrieved from : https:
 Failure to use audiovisual and supporting material - despite his effective speech delivery skills,
health cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe often fails to support his speech with audiovisual
evidence. The Kenyan media winds up doing this when relying the information to the public.
 In conclusion, Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for health Mutahi Kagwe has made himself a name as
not only one of Kenya’s best speakers but Africa’s as well. I feel his stronghold is his passion
for the message. His delivery puts the listener through the context and mood of his message
making him an effective speaker.
 Gareis E. (20006) Guidelines for Public Speaking. Department of Communication Studies,
Baruch College.
 Public Speaking ?Definition, Importance for Career, Ways to Improve retrieved from
 Health CS Mutahi Kagwe full speech on COVID-19 situation in the country retrieved from

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