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and School
Counselor ang School Stress
How do guidance What might happen if
counselors help students there were no
with their problem? guidance counselors
in school?
How counselor help with school
related stress
1. Understand the root causes of a child's behavior and the
environment they are exposed to.
2. Values restoration programs or guidance counseling.
3. Providing free counseling.
Counselor and School Stress
For example, if a child has stolen money or interfered with a teacher's belongings, the immediate
response should not be to reprimand them, but rather to understand the reasons behind their
actions. This involves considering the child's background, lifestyle, and family situation. It's
important to assess if the child may be experiencing financial difficulties, leading them to act
inappropriately. Additionally, the influence of social media, especially exposure to violent
content, can also impact a student's behavior. The behavior of the student is influenced by their
parents, as they are the first role models for the child. For instance, if a parent has an addiction,
such as smoking, and it is normalized within the household, the child may perceive it as
acceptable behavior. This can lead to confusion for the child, as they may struggle to differentiate
between right and wrong based on what they observe at home.
Counselor and School Stress
In summary, it's crucial to understand the root causes of a child's behavior and
the environment they are exposed to. This understanding can guide the
development of appropriate interventions, such as values restoration programs or
guidance counseling, to address the underlying issues and support the child's
Counselor and School Stress
The situation in the Pag-Asa high school they have a cases of early marriage and teenage pregnancy is
a serious issue that needs immediate attention. Providing free counseling for selected students who are
facing these problems and are still in school is an important step. This will allow the students to find
support and guidance in their situation.

Having a separate seminar for the parents of the children is also a good step. Through this seminar, the
importance of providing proper guidance and support to their children can be conveyed to the parents.
Educating and providing knowledge to the parents can help prevent early marriage and teenage
pregnancy in their community.
Counselor and School Stress
Addressing these issues through counseling and education is crucial
to help the students and their families overcome the challenges posed
by early marriage and teenage pregnancy.
Counselor and School Stress
The importance of having a guidance counselor in addressing issues faced by
students. A guidance counselor serves as a wake-up call, reminding the child that
their actions may be wrong and guiding them to make the right choices. It's
important to note that a guidance counselor doesn't simply correct mistakes, but
rather follows a process to understand the problems faced by the student. This
process is crucial, especially when dealing with a student whose attitudes and
behaviors are deeply ingrained, particularly during the challenging adolescent
stage in high school.
Counselor and School Stress
The counselor serves as a wake-up call, guiding students to make the right
choices and understand the consequences of their actions. It's important to
emphasize that the counselor doesn't just correct mistakes but follows a process
to understand the student's problems. This process is particularly important for
students with deeply ingrained attitudes and behaviors, especially during the
challenging adolescent stage in high school.

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