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Ke p l e r

S c ie n t i f i c
Wri t i n g :
p h r a s i n g ,
Qu o t i n g , a n d
Su m m a r i z n g
✦ in scientific writing, it is crucial
to accurately and effectively convey
the ideas and findings of others
while maintaining one's own voice.
Paraphrasing, quoting, and
summarizing are essential
techniques for achieving this
✦ Paraphrasing involves restating a passage or
idea from a source using one's own words while
preserving the original meaning. This technique
is valuable for explaining complex concepts in a
more accessible manner and for demonstrating
comprehension of the source material.
Key Points for Effective
* Read the original passage thoroughly to grasp the
main idea.
* Avoid simply rearranging the words; use different
sentence structures and vocabulary.
* Maintain the accuracy of the original message.
* Cite the source properly to give credit to the
original author.
Example of Paraphrasing:
✦ Original passage: "Climate change is a global
phenomenon with far-reaching consequences. It is
caused by human activities, primarily the burning of
fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere." Paraphrased version: "The Earth's
climate is shifting on a global scale, leading to
significant impacts. This change is driven by human
actions, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels,
which release heat-trapping gases into the air."
✦ Quoting involves using the exact words
of an author or source to convey their
precise language or to support a specific
claim. Quotations should be used sparingly
and only when necessary.
Key Points for Effective Quoting
* Use quotation marks to indicate:direct quotes.
* Ensure accuracy by double-checking the quoted
passage against the original source.
* Keep quotes brief and relevant to the argument.
* Cite the source properly to acknowledge the original
Example of Quoting
✦ As stated by renowned
climatologist Dr. James Hansen,
'Climate change is the most
serious long-term threat facing
human civilization.
✦ Summarizing involves condensing a
lengthy passage or text into a shorter
form while retaining the main ideas and
key points. This technique is useful for
providing an overview of a source or
for highlighting essential information.
Key Points for Effective
* Identify the central theme or argument of the
original text.
* Focus on conveying the main points and
avoid excessive detail.
* Use your own words and sentence structure.
* Cite the source properly to acknowledge the
original author.
Example of
✦ "In his book 'A Crack in Creation,'
Jennifer Doudna and Samuel Sternberg
delve into the revolutionary gene-
editing technology known as CRISPR,
exploring its potential applications and
ethical considerations."
✦ Paraphrasing, quoting, and
summarizing are indispensable tools for
scientific writers, enabling them to
integrate and convey information from
various sources while maintaining their
own voice and style. By employing these
1) This technique is valuable for explaining complex
concepts in a more accessible manner and for
demonstrating comprehension of the source material.

2) This technique involves condensing a lengthy passage

or text into a shorter form while retaining the main ideas
and key points.

3) This technique involves using the exact words of an

author or source to convey their precise language or to
support a specific claim.
4-5 ) GIVE 2
Thank you for
listening! Group kepler
is signing off..

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