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Your Full Name / Department

and Supervisor name and Location

Muhammed Ali Faruq / Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Bunyamin Celik
December 23, 2020 Tishk International University, Erbil
Title and Content Layout with List Title 28 Font and maximum 5 words

Subtitle Subtitle 24 Font and maximum 5 words

 Add your first bullet point here

 Add your second bullet point here 20 Font and 3 ( or max 5) level content
 Add your third bullet point here

Use the appropriate number and size of images on the subject

Two Content Layout with Table

 First bullet point here Class Group 1 Group 2

 Second bullet point here Class 1 82 95

 Third bullet point here Class 2 76 88

Class 3 84 90

People learn by seeing 75% of what they learn, and 13% by hearing.

In other words, the visuality of your slides is very effective in conveying your message.

However, visual elements should only be used when really needed and their use must have a
Example of
Title and Content Layout

Why do we need to read good books?

Text… Because reading increases your vocabulary and your knowledge of how to
correctly use new words, reading helps you clearly articulate what you want to

The knowledge you gain from reading also gives you lots to talk about with
Picture with Caption Layout
How do you categorize books? You can read subtitles and you must explain them!

 Separate your hard covers and paperbacks. ...

 Arrange your books by color. ...
 Don't be afraid to stack books. ...
 Organize books by genre or subject. ...
 Display your favorite books front and center. ...

You should not write a new text for each subtitle.

Frequently Made Mistakes !

• Reading from the screen or from the notes in your hand.

• Using slides that are unnecessarily long and full of text and images.
• Blocking the screen, turning your back to the audience.
• Not paying attention to time.
• Going off topic.
• Copying exactly what you say on the slides.
• Display information-intensive slides for less than 10 seconds.
• Being too personal in anecdotes and memories, making unnecessary jokes.
Too many and different levels of
writing are used.

Different font sizes are used!

There are no visuals!

The dark background makes it

difficult to read!
Too much information, use of colors
and images distracts attention.

The use of underlined texts makes it

difficult to read.

Color and images are used

independently of the subject and

The use of different fonts and sizes

makes the slide difficult to understand
and distracts attention.
The visual and text were
used in an unreadable

The relationship between

images is not

Too much use of color

pushes the listener.
How do I cite my sources in a PowerPoint presentation?

• To cite your sources within a PowerPoint presentation, you can include your references or in-text
citations on each slide.

You can …
* provide the references verbally,

* provide a reference list slide at the end of your presentation with corresponding in-text citations,

* combine these.

Use APA 6 Style for academic cites!

Celik, B. (2020). A Study on the Factors Affecting Reading and Reading Habits of Preschool Children.
International Journal of English Linguistics 10 (1), Published by Canadian Center of Science and
Education. doi:10.5539/ijel.v10n1p101

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