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Pedro Pinto T:10º3C

• Volleyball was created on February 9, 1895 by William George
Morgan in the United States. Morgan's goal, who worked at the
A bit of volleyball Years Christian Association, was to create a team sport with no
physical contact between opponents so as to minimize the risk of

history injury. Initially it was played with an inner tube of the basketball
and was called Mintonette, but quickly gained popularity with the
name of volleyball. The creator of volleyball passed away on
December 27,at the age of 72
Volleyball is a sport played on a court divided into two parts by a
net, with two teams of six players on each side. Volleyball was
General originally called Mintonette, due to its similarity to Badminton. It
also has some elements of tennis and handball and even baseball

knowledge about because in the original ruleset there were 9 ins with three outs
(serves). The objective of the sport is to make the ball pass over the

volleyball net so that the ball touches the ground inside the opponent's court,
while preventing opponents from doing the same.
At what age did the creator of volleyball die?

Now 3 mini When was volleyball created?

What was volleyball's old name?


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