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Question 1

From the following information, develop an AON project network.

Complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and
identify the critical path. How many days will the project take?

ID Description Predecessor Time

A Survey site None 2
B Install drainage A 5
C Install power line A 3
D Excavate site B, C 4
E Pour foundation D 3
Question 2
The project information for the custom order project of the Air Control
Company is presented here. Draw a project network for this project.
Compute the early and late activity times and the slack times. Identify
the critical path.
ID Activity Predecessor Time
A Order review None 2
B Order standard parts A 15
C Produce standard parts A 10
D Design custom parts A 13
E Software development A 18
F Manufacture custom hardware C, D 15
G Assemble B, F 10
H Test E, G 5

Question 3
You are creating a customer database for the Modesto Nuts minor
league baseball team. Draw a project network given the information
below. Complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity
ID Description Predecessor Time
slack, and identify the critical path. How sensitive is the network
A Systems design None 2
schedule? Calculate the free slack and
B Subsystem A design A
total slack
for all activities.
C Subsystem B design A 1
D Subsystem C design A 1
E Program A B 2
F Program B C 2
G Program C D 2
H Subsystem A test E 1
I Subsystem B test F 1
J Subsystem C test G 1
K Integration H, I, J 2
L Integration test K 1
Question 4
An established company has decided to add a new product to its line. It will buy the product from a
manufacturing concern, Description
package Predecessors
it, and sell it to a number of distributors Duration
that have (days) on a
been selected
geographical basis.AMarket research
Organize hassales
already -
indicated the volume
office expected 6and the size of sales force
required. The steps shown in the following table are to be planned
B Hire salesmen A 4
C Train salesmen B 7
D Select advertising agency A 2
E Plan advertising campaign D 4
F Conduct advertising campaign E 10
G Design package - 2
H Setup packaging facilities G G 10
I Package initial stocks J, H 6
J Order stock from manufacturer - 13
K Select distributors A 9
L Sell to distributors C, K 3
M Ship stocks to distributors I, L 5
• A cabinet manufacturing company is
planning to introduce a new model of Task Description Task Time (minutes)
cabinets which requires the following A Prepare the wheels 10
tasks: The wheels are mounted after they
are prepared. The base cannot be attached B Mount the wheels 5
until the sides are assembled. The shelves
C Assemble the sides 15
are inserted after the brackets are
installed. The back panel is attached after D Attach the tops 11
the base and top are attached. The doors
are attached after the shelves are inserted E Attach the base 10
and the top and base are attached. The F Insert the brackets 5
unit is painted after the back and doors are
attached. G Insert the shelves 5

• Identify the immediate predecessors of H Attach the doors 10

each task and draw the network. Find the
I Attach the back panel 10
critical path (s) and list all the critical
activities. J Paint the unit 15
• Obtain the earliest and latest starts and
completion times of all the activities.

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