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G ro u

p #5

H o us
Perso Tree-
n Te
R A (1 6
 The house-tree-person test (HTP) is a projective test intended to

measure different aspects of personality.

 Test takers are asked to draw a house, a tree, and a person.

 The interpretation of these drawings is used to create a picture of

the person’s cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.

 At first, in 1926 Florence Goodenough, a child psychologist was interested in a figure drawing and she wanted to
find a way to supplement Standford-Binet intelligence test with a nonverbal measure. She concluded that the test
was developed to see the maturity through the details of the child's drawing which officially led to the Draw A Man
 Soon after the development of this test and further modifications , psychologists started considering the test for
measures of differences in personality as well as intelligence. In 1949, Karen Machover developed the first measure
of figure drawing as a personality assessment with the Draw A Person Test .
 Finally, HTP was designed by clinical psychologist, John Buck in 1948 and was originally based on the Goodenough
scale of intellectual functioning.
 It was developed in 1948, and updated in 1969 by John Buck & Emanuel Frederick Hammer .
 350-page manual was written by Buck to instruct the test-giver on proper grading of the HTP, which is more
subjective than quantitative. 3

 HTP can be given to anyone over the age of three.

 Because it requires test takers to draw pictures, it is often used with children and adolescents. It is also often used
with individuals suspected of having brain damage or other neurological impairment.
 The test takes an average of 150 minutes to complete; it may take less time with normally functioning adults and
much more time with neurologically impaired individuals.
 The test is used by clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, and educators.
 It is also employed as part of a series of personality and intelligence tests, including the Rorschach, TAT, etc as a
means of personality assessment.
 HTP test is an effective tool in evaluating brain damage in patients with schizophrenia,

t r a t i o n
H TP Adminis

 Pencil & white paper

 Patient asked to draw a good house (as good as possible), take as much time as needed, erase
anything you need to.
 Then the pencil is taken away & you can use crayons in anyway to shade in or draw.
 Upon completion of the drawings, they are asked questions about the drawings.
 There are a total of 60 questions created by Buck that examiners can ask.
 Examiners can also create their own questions or ask unscripted follow-up questions


 The HTP is scored in both an objective quantitative manner and a subjective qualitative manner.
 The quantitative scoring scheme involves analyzing the details of drawings to arrive at a general
assessment of intelligence, using a scoring method devised by the test creators.
 Research has shown this assessment of intelligence correlates highly with other intelligence tests
such as the Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS).


 HTP was used to understand the client personality better.

 If The clients report that he was not good at drawing he must be a flexible person
with satisfactory adjustment, might be a reasonably secure person.

 The drawing large size shows that he is aggressive with acting out tendencies,
expansive with euphoric and grandiose tendencies, feeling of inadequacy that may
be unconscious, emotionally hyperactive, alcoholism, weak conscience, and
antisocial traits and suspicious, low trust.

 The vertical shading shows assertiveness, determination, and high activity level.
 The uncoordinated, shaky shading represents organic/neurological condition, alcoholism, and poor contact with


The long strokes indicate self-controlled sometimes to the point of over-inhibition.The necessary detailing shows the

condition of deteriorating and decompensating.

The client holds in ager than explosive episodes.

The drawing predicts the client`s perfectionist attitude and fear of losing control and may depersonalize under stress.

It predicts the hostile negativism of the client .

 House size; Little house ( rejection , detachment feelings toward family) or Big house ( Revolves life around his
 Roof shows Fantasy World and intellectual thinking.
 Walls depicts Ego, Dark and strong lines shows strong ego. If extended lines it shows defensiveness of self.
 Activities mention in house shows Psychotic tendencies ,Delusions ,hallucinations.
 Doors And windows predicts Welcoming Attitude. If door is closed shows you are not social or If windows have bars
shows that you are not independent and you are in jail. Absence of window shows abuse behavior. While Lock on
Door shows over defensiveness. Knob on door shows highly defensiveness.
 Shading, Clouds, Rain, Birds and Snow Shows Anxiety and depression, Psychopathology and abnormality. Snow
shows severe depression.
 Pathway shows that Anyone can access You and you are friendly person.
 Tree and Flowers shows Pleasant aspect of life

 Mountains Shows depression, anxiety or Sexual conflicts.
 Double Story predicts Double minded personality.
 Door closed and windows open predicts Restriction from family.
 Window with person present shows High need to connect with others.
 Water ponds, Pools predicts Sexual relationships
 Back Doors says that You have secrets in life.
 Lights shows the welcoming behavior
 Cars shows Signs of visitors and people getting access to you
 Sun/Moon/Stars shows the Presence of Authoritative person in your life and
Love and affection. Swings shows Good interpersonal relationships.
 Chimney predicts Sexual Desires and Aggression.

Here are some examples of the questions that might be asked:

The house:
 Who lives in the house?
 Do people visit the house?
 Is it a happy house?
 What is the house made of?
 What goes on inside the house?


 In
tree etati
on of

ar Alta
f (14 2 9)
e i s t h i s
i n d o f tre
 What
o l d i s it
 Po
 How
st dr
s o n i s i t? d o wn
t s e a u t i t
 Wha oc
e d t
y o ne t r i
 Ha s a n n e a r by
e g s
rowicon to add picture
t e l s
 Wha t
t h e t r e e doe s i
o w a t e rs t o l i v e so
 Wh s u n s h i ne
r e e s n ee d i n e?
T g hs u n s h
e n o u l i v e
get ead o r a
h e t r e e d
w a r d s or
 Is t bra n c h e s up
r e t h e
o w n w ards
eta Small size tree: lack of something in client`s life may be skills or something else
p r
I n Large size: agressive person, can harm others
Bent tree/ without leaves/ dried leaves: desparate person
Split tree/ broken tree: Spilt in ego, dual personality
Cloud like tree: Confused thinking.
Human like tree/bug like tree: Tendency of schizophrenia and high pathological risk
Detailed picture: OCD diagnosed
Heavy lines/ shading: anxiety

Arm shaped: wants to achieve his goals, having obstacles in his way of achievement
Double line: need of security, wants support of others 14

Strong line on trunk and branches: Concrete and solid thinking, positive attitude
 Lots of branches: Obsessive personality.
Clustered branches: strong thinking
Long branches till ground: need of attention/ wants honour in society
Small branches: limited skill to reach out
Big branches: may be too much reaching out to meet needs.
Club shaped branches/very pointy: aggressiveness.

Trunk of tree: shows ego

Very small trunk: no ego
Small size trunk: less ego
Large trunk: more ego
Lots of emphasis on trunk by females: Sexual anxiety
Heavy lines or shadings to represent bark indicate anxiety about one's self,
Baseline:Strong thinking, desire to be independent.
Roots: Pathological tendency
Without baseline/roots: Disturb thinking
Long roots: need of love/ attention, feeling insecure

Birds: mentally healthy/ stable person

Animal or pigeon: wants to control ego

Nest: need of security

Christmas trees after the season is over: can mean
regressive fantasies

Fruit and flower: Strong tendency to have children

More beautification: Very high tendency to have children.

Leaves: Obsessed person

Grass: artistic personality
No ground: couldn`t express hus feelings 17

of pe ation
rs o n
ar Alta
f (1 4 2 9)
p e r s o n ?
t hi s
W h o i s
h e y ? o ?  Po
st dr
d a r e t g t o d
 How
v o r i t e thin i ke ?
a l
i r f n o t
's the o
W h a t t he y d
 e t hing m ?
' s s o m r t t h e
 What one tClick r i edicontotohaddu picture
ny ?
 Has a ks out for them urturing?
W h o loo r m a n d n
 r s o n w a e r gi z e d?
I s t h e pe o u s o r en

e r s o n joy l i k e t ob
p d
 Is the rson you woul
I s i t a pe

 drawing interpretation
 distortion in any part experience of some trauma, some sort of somatic delusion, and
conflict related to the part.
 omission of any body part conflict related to that body part.
 transparency transparent clothing in same gender indicate homosexuality and
in opposite gender indicate sexual tendency.

 unessential details in clothing indicates schizophrenia and ocd

 holding pistol or daggar aggression
 holding stick need for help
 belt emphasis sexual conflict.
 buttons or buckle dependency
 button on coffs obsessive personality and dependency
 button in middle line maternal dependency and breast fixation
 button plus hat regression 20
 drawing interpretation
 flowers sophistication
 cigrette, cigar in hands and in hands represents sexual conflict, in lips osculation
 carefully drawn clothing immature ego
 toys immaturity
 over clothing withdrawal tendency and antisocial personality
 clothing ill-fitting unsatisfying social status.
 shoe lases/ wrinkles on dress ocd
 collar very tight problem with control of aggression.
 ear rings by females assumptions tendency,
 feet and legs drawn first depression 21
 drawing interpretation
 handkerchief in pocket/hands sexual inadequacy.

 pockets inside affectional deprivation,

 tie sexual inadequacy,

 many pockets on male by male passive homosexuality,

 feet and hand omitted and dim schizoid personality

 small feet by male subject insecurity feelings,

 fingers either omitted or extra large masturbatory activities

 fingers claw like aggression.

 fingers grapes like immaturity

 closed fist rebellious tendency, repressed regression 22

 drawing interpretation
 foot emphasized by male feelings of impotency,
 foot emphasized by female feeling of assault experience,
 foot phallic like sexual inadequacy ,
 less than five fingers immaturity
 hands of female figure in pelvic experience of rejection by female
area by male subject
 genital area oral eroticism
 hands dim lack of confidence
 hands behind back or in pocket lack of confidence, high chances of psychopathic tendency,
masturbatory guilt
 hands over emphasized externalized aggression.
 joints, ankle on figure feelings of organized body, schizophrenia, homosexual tendency
and dependency
 drawing interpretation
 eye brows bush like aggression,
 over emphasized some sort of trauma
 eye brows emphasized or sophistication
carefully drawn

 chin emphasized on opposite dependency on opposite gender, regarded as stronger opposite.


 chin enlarged aggressive desire or poor decision making ability.

 eyes beatified sexual conflicts preoccupation
 extra large eyes some sort of traumatic experience, hallucinations.
 eyes as circle ego centric tendency or immaturity
 eyes in the form of dots paranoia, ideas of reference.
 drawing interpretation
 small eyes self absorption.

 open mouth oral eroticism.

 large eyes without pupil voyeuristic guilt

 teeth regression

 eyes and lashes extra large homosexual tendency

 face very ill lines person very shy, self conscious.

 lips drawn on opposite gender oral eroticism, sexual preoccupation

 mouth emphasized alcohol tendency, addicted tendenc

 mouth omitted on opp. gender severity of scolding by opposite gender

 mouth single line oral regression

 drawing interpretation
 nose cut off sign of castration fear, castration desire
 cartoon drawing feeling of inadequacy, feeling of rejections
 maternal figure dependence, mother figure perceive stronger than
 opposite sex figure drawn sexual conflict and opposite figure represent stronger.
 draw parents parental dependency
 robot like intellectual functioning.
 snow men, bugs bunny somatic delusion, exhibitionistic tendency, high
and humpty dumpty defence mechanism
 drawing of puppet feeling of dominance by others.
 witches negative tendency toward women, aggressive toward
 must hair sexual immorality
 drawing interpretation
 carefully drawn hair obsession, over sexuality
 beard on face sexual inadequacy
 baldness feeling of inadequacy and lack of masculine power.
 middle line shown by narcissistic personality
 middle line shown by male obsessive personality
 by male done hair of lack of sexual control, feeling of inadequacy, sexual
female and other things conflict and antisocial personality.
carefully drawn
 extrra long ear by normal sensitivity to criticism, hearing disability
 head drawn in the end thought disturbance over poor interpersonal relations.
 omission of head some sort of somatic delusion, feelings of
 enlarge head sufficient concern paranoid ideas in intellectual ability, 27
fantasy and day dream.
 drawing interpretation
 large head on opposite feeling of dominance
 head distorted organicity
 large neck strong ego
 emphasis on neck shows high ego means person don’t have but tend to
keep it.
 girrafae like neck particularly schizophrenic.
 extra large neck poor impulse control, schizoid tendency
 neck long but thin repression
 neck omitted poor impulse control
 single line neck depression
 arms away from body externalized aggression 28
 drawing interpretation
 short but thick neck un integrated nerve control
 naked figure drawn immoral sexual desire
 female figure drawn with poor sexual control, psychopathic tendency, preoccupation in
figure specification sexual thought.
 sex organs drawn or some sort strong indulgence in sexual activity. in psychopathic person
of sexual activity: might be a rapist or have a tendency to do that.
 sexual organ of male by male homosexual tendency or experience of sexual abuse.
 scars on body traumatic experience,suicidal and homicidal ideas in same
 opposite gender sadistic approach
 arms closed to the body repression or self internalized regression.
 arms folded internalized feelings, feelings of rejection by same gender.
 arms very strong and shaded, opposite sex viewed as punishing. 29
strong shoulder and arms
 drawing interpretation
 arms or hand omitted feelings of guilt

 extra long arm ambitious personality

 arms or legs reinforced need of strength, sexual role conflict


 male subject, male figure fear or desire for castration


 long but weak arms nurturance need

 long and powerful arms need of authority

ence s
 Refer
• Colon S and Hall; Garden hind ray, John B Campbell (1998), Theories of personality
(10th Ed), Pg.299.
• Bischof, L.J. Interpreting Personality Theories. New York: Harper and Row
• Cherry, K. (2021, May 2). The Rorschach Inkblot Test. verywellmind.
• Renata, R. (2017, October 25). Advantages & Disadvantages of a Projective Test.

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