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Principle of Teaching Tuesday, November 14,2023

Learner-centered instructional strategies

Small Group
Case Studies
Principle of Teaching Tuesday, November 14,2023

Discussion is important to learning in all disciplines because it helps students
process information rather than simply receive it. The goal of a discussion is to get
students to practice thinking about the course material.
Principle of Teaching Tuesday, November 14,2023

Strategies for Facilitating Discussions

• Give specific time limits and instructions.
• Limit groups to 2-3 students each. With larger groups, some students will not participate.
• Allow time after the group discussions for groups to report the results of group work and for
students in other groups to ask questions and comment on their peers’ ideas.
• Integrate the results of group work into the closing discussion or lecture, and refer back to
these ideas, when relevant, in subsequent class sessions.
Principle of Teaching Tuesday, November 14,2023

Small group
Small groups are commonly seen in reading, but small-group instruction is useful cross-curricularly. The nature of a
small group lends itself to a smaller student-teacher ratio allowing for students to share responses more frequently
than in large-group settings.
Principle of Teaching Tuesday, November 14,2023

Case Studies

Learning case studies present learners with problems and challenges based on real life situations
and drive them to make difficult decisions based on the evidence given
Using case studies in class becomes more and more common with the increasing need to make
students experience real-life situations in which they have to do decision-making and prepare
themselves for the uncertainties of the workplace
The case-study method becomes an efficient tool to the creation of a learner- rather than a
teacher-centered education.
Principle of Teaching Tuesday, November 14,2023
Principle of Teaching


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