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Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges

College of Teacher Education
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching
Name: Melvin Ngoho Estrera Date: September 29, 2022
Degree Program: BSED MATHEMATICS 3

Activity 3 in Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

1. Traditional Instructional Approach

 Traditional instructional approach is a strategy structured educational program
that emphasizes face-to-face, teacher-centered instruction, including student-led
discussion and teacher knowledge transfer. Students are matched according to
age and sometimes skill. The basis for the instructional materials is a
combination of lectures, textbooks, and student-written assignments. A single,
uniform curriculum is often taught to all students in the classroom. Particularly in
high school, subjects are frequently standalone and separate rather than
integrated and integrative.
2. Cooperative Learning Approach
 A collaborative (or cooperative) learning style involves students cooperating on
projects or assignments in a class size small enough to guarantee everyone's
participation. Students in the group may collaborate on a shared task or work
independently on individual activities that contribute to a common final product.
This is different from unorganized group projects.
3. Differentiated Instructional Approach
 Differentiated instructional approach is a teaching strategy that adjusts lessons to
the individual learning demands of each student. Every student has the same
educational objective. But instruction differs according to the interests,
preferences, skills, and challenges of each learner. A teacher use a variety of
teaching techniques rather than educating the entire class in a single approach
(such as through a lecture). Teaching students in small groups or one-on-one
sessions can fall under this category.
4. Personalized Learning Approach
The goal of personalized learning is to tailor instruction to the unique needs,
interests, and skills of each learner. Each student receives a learning plan that is based
on their prior knowledge and preferred learning styles. Not every student is taken
through the same lessons by the teacher. Instead, the instructor leads each pupil on a
unique trip.

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