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Name: Melvin N.

Course: BSEd Mathematics 2
Instructor: Ms. Melry Joy Cabahug
Subject: Ethics

1. Is it morally wrong for someone to steal food out of hunger?

For me, this question is quite difficult because it has to sides to consider the
positive and the negative, when we base the word “stealing” that is definitely
wrong but that irresponsible behavior is due to the problem that he/she face the
hunger. It’s our individual choice of our own principles to do that thing and I think
most of us do that when we face then same dilemma. So, back to the question I
believe that it is morally wrong because when we do some actions we should
think what would be the outcome. Then, if we are considering right and wrong,
we should be responsible for our decisions and actions. If we are conscious of
what we are doing, there may not be a need to steal; instead, we could try
working or asking for help.


According to my viewpoint, it is immoral since there are some instances
where he disregards the laws that have been put in place and chooses not to
obey them. Therefore, even if he did it to support his family, disobeying the law is
still immoral. It's best to take the proper course of action and use your judgment
to assess all of the potential outcomes of your decisions. After all, if he causes
the accident, many other individuals will be impacted in addition to him, which
would generate significant issues.

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