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Name: Heber Jay Garcia Date: September 28, 2022

Course & Year: BSACT 3

Activity # 1

Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer in a paragraph
1. Identify a list of: (a) obligations we are expected to fulfill, (b) prohibitions we are
required to respect, and (c) ideals we are encouraged to meet. Discuss whether these
are ethical in nature or not.
(a). Obligations we are expected to fulfill
An obligation is a path of action we are required to take, whether it be moral or
legal. Each of us has a responsibility to contribute meaningfully to the community, to
others, and to ourselves. These includes: Obligations to Family, Obligations to Nation,
Obey and respect the rule of law, Care for and Vote for the right leaders, Pay taxes and
more. These are some of the practices that we are expected to fulfill and I believe that
these are ethical in nature.
(b). Prohibitions we are required to respect
In legal terms, prohibitions are acts or practices that are forbidden and can result
in penalty if broken. Respect for others is expected of everyone. In addition, we are
required to obey the law. In order to sustain positive and healthy relationships with
everyone, we should adhere to and put into practice what the law expects of us. These
includes: Respect Human Rights, Respect Beliefs, Respect Property and more. I
believe that it is ethical by nature.
(c). Ideals we are encouraged to meet
Ideals we are encouraged to meet is something we pursue and in order to fulfill
our potential as human beings, we should all work toward and realize a certain set of
values such as trust, fairness, respect, honesty, love for the others. These are some
examples that we need to do or meet and I think it is ethical.

2. Are clothes a matter of pure aesthetic taste, or does it make sense for clothes to
become a subject in a discussion of ethics? Why? How about other forms of adornment,
such as tattoos and piercings?
Since clothing and other types of ornamentation like tattoos and piercings are
considered "art," and aesthetic is concerned with beauty or the perception of beauty,
clothing and other forms of adornment are purely a matter of aesthetic choice. However,
as ethics is concerned with what is good and wrong, it also makes sense for them to be
brought up in a debate of ethics. In some regions, not every clothing is appropriate or
acceptable. Since the answer to this question depends in some way on the culture of a
particular area.

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