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DATE: March 5, 2023

Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Should teachers be concerned about the technical aspects of assessment like validity
and reliability? Why, or why not?

For me it’s a yes, because a valid and reliable assessment would help to
measure how well students understood a particular subject. The teachers would also be
aware if there was an issue with the assessment, such as with the instructions or the
questions itself. Understanding validity and reliability enables educators to make choices
that benefit students' academic development because these ideas show them how to put
the idealistic objectives that their school has established into concrete terms.

2. Based on their performance on two tests covering the same material, the students in the
following lists are ranked in order (highest score at the top). Do the results indicate a
reliable assessment? Why, or why not?
Mark Angelo Mary Therese
Aurora Daniel
Anne Marie Aurora
Daniel Anne Marie
Mary Therese Mark Angelo

No, because based on the two tests that the student's position in Test A is
absolutely different from Test B, where the highest rank suddenly drops to the
lowest rank which is the fifth rank and the lowest rank rises to the top 1. Meaning
two outcomes are still insufficient to draw any conclusions about the test's
dependability. So, the results indicated that it is not a reliable assessment.

3. In each of the assessment scenarios below, what aspect of fairness is demonstrated?

a. The test contained a story about living in Baguio City. Students who had visited
Baguio City performed higher on the comprehension test than those who had not.
In this case, I can say that it is unfair because the students who had been to
Baguio performed better than those who were not familiar with the location. Fairness
should take into account the needs and characteristics of the learner as well as any
reasonable adjustments that need to be made to take these factors into account. The
main focus of the evaluation is the Baguio story, thus students who have really
visited or lived there would do better on the comprehension test.
b. The final unit on the exam was something the teacher was unable to cover.
There are times that this scenario actually happens in real class scenario. Due to
the fact that this portion of the exam wasn't discussed in their discussion, it is unfair
to the test-takers and will only have a negative impact on their final grades. In
addition, it is stated that we should not include things that aren't covered because we
cannot realistically expect a positive conclusion from it when it comes to the validity
of our evaluation, notably the content validity.

4. Why are efficiency and practicality crucial factors for teachers to take into account when
choosing their assessments?
When choosing an assessment, teachers must take into account practicality and
efficiency because these factors allow them to determine whether their chosen teaching
style or method is beneficial. The ease of scoring, the simplicity of scoring, the simplicity
of interpretation, the cost, and teacher familiarity with the procedure all go into how
practical and efficient an assessment is.

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