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Test 1 (Assessment and Its Principles)

The following are principles of High Quality Assessment EXCEPT;

Clarity of Learning Targets

Appropriateness of Assessment Methods
Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic assessment? *

Ms. Santos who asked questions when the discussion was on going to know who
among her students understood what she was trying to emphasize.
Ms. Ventura who gave a 10-item test before instruction to find out the specific
lessons which the students failed to understand.
Mr. Colubong who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to
determine the outcome of instruction
Mrs. Lopez who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils.

To give an accurate rating for the science project done by each student, Mrs. Pelayo
carefully analyzes and judges its worth. What process is she doing? *


After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how well
the students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was done? *

Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Placement Assessment

Which statement is most accurate regarding validity and reliability? *

A test cannot be valid and reliable unless it is standardized

A test cannot be valid unless it is reliable
A test cannot be valid and reliable unless it is objective.
A test cannot be reliable unless it is valid.

What type of validity does the Pre-board Examination possesses if its results can
explain how the students will likely to perform in their Licensure Examination? *


Mr. Cartilla developed an Achievement Test in Math for her grade three pupils. Before
she finalized the test, she examined carefully if the test items were constructed based
on the competencies that have to be tested. What test of validity was she trying to
establish? *

Construct validity
Predictive validity
Content validity
Concurrent validity

Which of the following is the main purpose of administering a pre-test and post-test to
the students? *
Measure the effectiveness of instruction.
Accustom the students in frequent testing.
Measure gains in learning.
Measure the value of the materials used.

The grade six pupils were given a diagnostic test in addition and subtraction of whole
numbers to find out if they can proceed to the next unit. However, the results of the
test were very low. What should the teacher do? *

Proceed to the next lesson to be able to finish all the topics in the course
Construct another test parallel to the given test to determine the consistency of the
Count the frequency of errors to find out lessons that the majority of students need
to learn
Record the scores then inform the parents about the very poor performance of their
child in mathematics

Mrs. Robles wants to establish the reliability of her achievement test in English. Which
of the following activities will help achieve her purpose? *

Administer a single test but to two different groups of students

Administer two parallel tests to different groups of students
Administer two different tests but to the same group of students.
Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of students

Which type of evaluation technique certifies the completion of a program and aims to
give rating of pupils? *


Ms. Callanta wanted to find out the ability levels of her students in Science. She then
administered to them a pre-test based on the prescribed MLCs by DEPEd. What type
of assessment did Ms. Callanta perform? *


Mr Galang correlated the scores of his pupils in Economic with their grades in the
same subject during the first rating period. What type of validity is being illustrated?

Content Validity
Construct Validity
Concurrent Validity
Face Validity
If a teacher promotes an unbiased task and procedure, which principles of assessment
did he/she used? *


Which of the following determine Content validity?

The contents are valid.

There is enough time to measure the ability of the learners.
The items are representative sample of the contents of the course.
None of the above

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