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VR - Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is a simulation of many different

experiences, where you use body tracking
and pose tracking to move and interact in 3D.
It is supposed to give you a feeling of a real-
life experience of any of your choice, like
gaming or education.
Vr Evolution
VR has been used mostly for fun, but with time people
started to discover new things you can do with such
possibilities. Now people use VR not only for fun, but also to
train and simulate things you are trying to learn, like for
example in medicine, doctors use virtual reality to simulate a
operation so you can get a head start in what to do.
The Future of Virtual Reality
The probability of futuristic VR helping us with many things is very high. Future
inventions might cooperate with VR because many people use it and it probably
can help us with many things.
I myself love the concept of VR providing us with help and in the future I
would love to try using it in many different things, like gaming, education
and work.
Thank you for your attention

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