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Selective breeding also know as
artifial selection is the process
by which humans unse animal
breeding and plants breedieding
Q1- to selective devolop perticular
Selective phyenotyupic traits.
Selective breeding involves
Breeding choosing parents with a
perticular chrecter to breed
together and produce offspring
with more chrestics.
Q1-Selective Breeding
• The propuse of selective breeding is to devolop
livestock who traits have strong hertible
comopnets and therefore be propogated.
Choose the male sheep rams and female sheep ewes that
have the longest wool.
Breed these rams & ewes.
When offsprings of the chosen rams& ewes have grown
Breeding up choose the ones with longest wool.
Allow them to breed together.

in sheeps We should keep doing this for many generations.

This process is called selection breeding.

After many years we will get a flock of sheep with longer
wool them with the ones with short wool.

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