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Tight Time and Limited

Space during Steam

Turbine Major Overhaul
Discover the challenges posed by tight timeframes and limited space during a
steam turbine major overhaul. Learn effective strategies to address these
limitations and achieve efficient management.

by Agung Nugroho
Overview of the Problem
Understand the significance of a steam turbine major overhaul and the
implications of tight time and limited space. Explore the impact on the
maintenance process and efficiency.
Strategies to Address the Problem
1 Time Management Techniques

Unlock the secrets to efficient time management, ensuring every minute is utilized effectively
during a steam turbine major overhaul.

2 Optimal Utilization of Available Space

Discover innovative approaches to managing limited space and maximizing productivity

during a major overhaul of a steam turbine.
Overcoming the Challenges
1 Case Studies of Successful Solutions

Explore real-life examples of how others successfully overcame the challenges of

tight time and limited space during steam turbine major overhauls.

2 Lessons Learned from Previous Experiences

Learn from the valuable insights gained through experiences in managing the
limitations of time and space during major overhauls.
Benefits of Efficient Management
Cost Savings

Discover how efficient management during a major overhaul leads to significant cost savings,
ensuring optimal use of resources.

Improved Turbine Performance

Learn how effective management techniques result in enhanced steam turbine performance post
major overhaul.
Summarize the key points discussed in this presentation and emphasize the
importance of efficient management during a steam turbine major overhaul.

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