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Hospital Internship

Experience of BSN Students

in Selected Tertiary Schools
in Baguio City
Abadines, Chuztine Balaso, Joshua
Banganan, Faith Benbenen, Carlos
Benito, Eugelyn Bolicday, Mary Ann
Bula-ay, Shairah Calitong, Juanita Changkey
Cay-an, Fely Chalutag, Jiema
Dangatan, Vanessa Dawi, Young Hee
Ma’am Arlyn B. Aliping
Chapter I. Introduction

Explore the hospital internship experiences
of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students from
selected tertiary schools in Baguio City.

 Qualitative-Descriptive Phenomenological
Research Design
Chapter II. Methodology
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
BSN level ll to lV students from selected Irregular student
tertiary schools in Baguio City, affiliated at
Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital and
Baguio General Hospital and Medical

Data Gathering:
Consent Forms->Face to face or voice call unstructured
interview-> Validation->Thematic Analysis
Chapter III. Results and Discussion

Hospital Internship Experiences of BSN

Students from Selected Tertiary Schools

Theme 1: Theme 2:
Positive Experience Negative Experience

Sub-Themes: Sub-Themes:

Knowledge Lack of support

Skills Stress
Attitude Communication gap
Positive Experiences
• accidental learning ass0ciated with positive attitude and
knowledgeable CI
• application of the theories and skills lectured at school
associated with positive approach of the CI and the
welcoming hospital environment
• Hospital internship molds the character of the students
Negative Experiences
Lack of Support
• unsupportive approach of the CI and the unwelcoming
hospital environment
• unending requirements that leads to lack of sleep
associated with high expectations of CI and
unpreparedness of the student
Communication Gap
• poor communications such as misinterpretations and one -
way communicationsication associated with
unapproachable CIs, staffs and groupmates
Chapter IV. Conclusion

Student’s hospital

Contributory Negative
Positive factors

A. The positive attitude of CI such as willing to lead and guide,
kind, knowledgeable, a good instructor-student relationship
leads to a meaningful learning experience

B. High expectations of CI’s, negative attitude of staff,

unpreparedness of students, communication barriers, and
unending requirements leads to negative learning experience

C. Coping Mechanisms: forget and don’t recall, sharing of

experiences to others, advance reading, presence of mind and
common sense, learning from past mistakes, and going with the
Chapter IV. Recommendation

To optimize hospital internship of nursing students, there shall be:

• Support and reinforcement from family, groupmates, and staff


• Supportive and professional student-instructor relationship

• Advance reading and learning from past experiences for

development of individual self-efficacy
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

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