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Lecture 15

Evaluation of Present State

Culture (thought) Civilisation (behaviour)
Desired State
Resolution in thought Justice in behaviour
(thought of justice, harmony Work guided by natural laws
and co-existence) Participation for harmony
in larger order

Present State
Increasing problems Increasing strife in family,
Opposition, depression, suicide Conflict, divorce, terrorism, war

Root Cause
Wrong assumptions Wrong assumptions
Lack of right understanding Lack of right understanding

Culture (thought) Civilisation (behaviour)
समाधान पूर्ण विचार न्यायपूर्ण व्यवहार
(न्याय, धर्म, सत्य का विचार) नियमपूर्ण कार्य
धर्मपूर्ण व्यवस्था में भागीदारी

Increasing problems Increasing strife in family,

Opposition, depression, suicide Conflict, divorce, terrorism, war

Wrong assumptions Wrong assumptions

Lack of right understanding Lack of right understanding

Evaluation of Present State of the Society and System
Desirable State
Resolution in thought (thought of justice, harmony and co-existence)
Human sanskar
Perspective of justice, harmony and co-existence
Truth, love and compassion

Present State
Mixed thought (thought of justice and opposition, harmony and
disharmony, co-existence and hatred)
Mixed sanskar
Mixed perspective
Disclarity in living

Evaluation of Present State of the Society and System
समाधान पूर्ण विचार
मानवीय संस्कार
न्याय धर्म सत्य की दृष्टि
Truth, love and compassion

Impact of Civilisation
1. On human-human interaction – on justice in behaviour
2. On health of Body and its utilisation
3. On human-rest of nature interaction – on utilisation of physical
facility (right utilisation or misuse)

We can keep point 2 as a subpoint of point 3 (as Body is a unit of the

rest of nature)

सभ्यता का effect इन तीनों जगह पर दिखना चाहिए
1. न्यायपूर्ण व्यवहार की जगह पर
2. शरीर स्वास्थ्य की जगह पर
3. सुविधा के सदुपयोग, दुरुपयोग की जगह पर
तीसरे बिन्दु को अलग से रखना हो तो रख लें; नहीं रखना हो तो शरीर स्वास्थ्य के संदर्भ में आहार- विहार में
place कर दें।


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