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Typology with Laura

Lol idh a background for that

• MBTI functions are the cognitive functional
Basic information preferences that determine how each one of the
16 personalities function in the real world.
• There are eight cognitive functions – four of them
operate in the introversion domain and the other
four work in the extroversion domain.
• The four introverted functions are introverted
sensing (Si), introverted intuition (Ni), introverted
thinking (Ti), and introverted feeling (Fe).
• The four extroverted functions are extroverted
sensing (Se), extroverted intuition (Ne),
extroverted thinking (Te), and extroverted feeling
Cognitive functions
The cognitive functions are stacked as dominant function, auxiliary function, tertiary function, and inferior function.
1. Dominant function
• function is well developed and has more power and influence than the other functions.
• If your dominant function is extroverted, your MBTI is too
2. Auxiliary function
• refers to the secondary preferences that are not so well developed, yet influence the person’s innate nature to a considerable
extent. It plays a supporting role in the dominant functions.
3. Tertiary function
• not well developed and contradictory to the auxiliary function. If your auxiliary function is extroverted sensing, your tertiary
function will be introverted intuition.
• develops later in life when you will realize the importance of looking at other perspectives in life.
4. Inferior function
• mental process that you wish you could use proficiently, but it keeps tripping you up (sometimes quite literally). There are
moments in your life when you channel it with proficiency, but it’s never dependable.
• opposite of the dominant function. If your dominant function is introverted thinking, your inferior function is extroverted feeling
(this sounds so confusing ikr but its not)
Cognitive functions for every
On the image you can see the cognitive function order for
every MBTI
INTP‘s dominant function is introverted thinking, followed
by extroverted intuition, introverted sensing & extroverted
If you want to type yourself you have to find out your
functions and order them.
In the following i will explain every function for you.
Introverted thinking
Dominant function: Intp & Istp
Auxiliary function: Entp & Estp
Introverted Thinking
• Other people and their opinions rarely affect high ti users, as they want to make sense
of things on their own. When people push their views on them, they can become
frustrated and shut off.
• They are strongly inclined to analyze any piece of data they come across. They want to
see how it fits within their internal framework of ideas, so they eagerly dive into the
unknown to deepen their knowledge.
• They tend to be really sceptical & don’t follow rules blindly. Instead, they assess
whether existing rules and structures make sense for them and align with their internal
• They are honest /(direct) no matter what. While honesty is a generally admirable trait,
highly sensitive types may deem high Ti users tactless and insensitive.
• While their decisions are purely subjective, they typically look at the world objectively,
avoiding biases.
Introverted Thinking
• They spend hours researching their interests, analyzing different sources, and coming up
with unique methods and understanding of the topic.
• They easily assess situations from various perspectives, which helps them effectively
solve problems.
• They don’t go with the most common or popular decision. Instead, they take an
analytical approach to come up with a solution that resonates with their internal

• Strengths: objective, knowledgeable, analytical, perceptive, open-minded

• Weaknesses: insensitive, stubborn, critical, blunt, preoccupied with their own thoughts
Extroverted Thinking
Dominant function: Entj & Estj
Auxiliary function: Intj & Istj
Extroverted thinking
• Te users eagerly take charge of both personal and professional matters. They are great at
prioritizing, organizing, and delegating tasks
• They are energetic and goal-oriented people. There’s hardly anything more satisfying to them than
getting things done, as it makes them feel useful and successful
• They usually have high standards and a no excuses mentality. When people don’t live up to their
expectations or make excuse, they quickly write them off as lazy, inadequate, and unworthy of
• They love structure, planning, and organization - in their minds, these are the essentials of getting
things done
• They are direct in the way they communicate. Seeing as they focus heavily on facts, they see the
world as relatively black and white
• They generally rely on facts and logic rather than emotions
• They come off as cold and impersonal. Nonetheless, like all people, they do have feelings. They just
don’t let them get in the way of achieving their goals
Extroverted thinking
• They are single-minded and can easily maintain concentration even in distracting
environments. This also enables them to multitask, as they can rapidly shift their focus
from one task to another without letting their minds wander.
• They are naturals at troubleshooting problems
• They rarely hesitate when making decisions

• Strengths: objective, organized, strategic, direct, decisive

• Weaknesses: impatient, insensitive, rigid, overly critical, single-minded
Extroverted intuition
Dominant function: Entp & Enfp
Auxiliary function: Intp & Infp
Extroverted Intuition
• Ne users crave to experience life to the fullest and easily spot new possibilities
• They hate planning, prefer to keep their options open and take things as they come. They
value flexibility and spontaneity.
• They are forward-thinking individuals focused on possibilities. They’re much more
concerned with what the future holds than with what’s currently happening around
• They are prone to indecisiveness, as they’re afraid of making the wrong choice.
• They have a gift for seeing multiple perspectives, which makes them open-minded. They
love hearing different stories and experiences and getting to know people with diverse
• They are known for their love of all things theoretical - concepts, frameworks, and ideas.
Extroverted Intuition
• Ne users have a strong desire to share their thoughts and ideas with other people. They simply
know the value of hearing other people’s opinions and, more importantly, see others as a source
of inspiration.
• Ne users want to know how things work and aren’t afraid to ask questions, even if they seem silly.
You won’t satisfy their curiosity with uncertain or partial answers.

• Strengths: creative, openminded, visionary, passionate, changeoriented

• Weaknesses: Impulsive, chaotic, easily distracted, easily bored, disorganized
Introverted intuition
Dominant function: Intj & Infj
Auxiliary function: Enfj & Entj
Introverted intuition
• Ni users often notice to form a prediction of what could be and are often able to envision
the future. They may not know how they came up with their predictions or why.
• They synthesize and sort sensory information to get a vision of either what will happen
or to figure out something’s underlying meaning.
• They love to discuss topics they are passionate about with people who are on the same
• They tend to have a clear focus when they communicate and they often get straight to
the point.
• They tend to remember general impressions of events. This is because they are most
interested in the overall idea, the meaning behind something, and the end result.
• They tend to think in symbols and images rather than words.
Introverted intuition
• they are highly independent and individualistic
• they need to regularly spend time alone, when they spend too much time around others,
the external noise may cancel out their inner voice.
• they’re great at planning and creating strategies to make their dreams happen

• Strengths: creative, visionary, persistent, insightful

• Weaknesses: too idealistic, live in their head, overthinkers, misfire
Extroverted Sensing
Dominant function: Estp & Esfp
Auxiliary function: Istp & Isfp
Extroverted sensing
• Se users are gifted with the ability to live in the present moment. They are highly attuned
to everything that’s happening around them
• They excel in sports, dancing, and other physical activities. They also tend to have quick
reflexes and great coordination.
• They have great situational awareness. This makes them highly perceptive of their
environment and attentive to detail.
• They are open to different opinions and beliefs. They rarely, if ever, judge other people
for their choices, as most of them believe in the “live and let live” philosophy.
• They aren’t critical of their or other people’s mistakes. They believe that the best way to
learn and grow is through personal experience. Not to mention, they have enough
resilience to effectively overcome failure.
• They can be very sensitive to unpleasant smells, textures, and the like.
Extroverted sensing
• They learn through experience, and the more their physical senses are engaged, the
quicker the progress.
• They love to be on the move and may get easily bored if they’re forced to stand still.
More importantly, their action-oriented mindset makes them value actions much more
than words.
• They’re adventurous and curious, which leads them to constantly seek thrills.
• They value their independence and avoid people and situations that make them feel

• Strengths: observant, adaptable, adventurous, practical, live in the now

• Weaknessses: impulsive, too literal, avoid future planning, struggle with commitment
Introverted sensing
Dominant function: Istj & Isfj
Auxiliary function: Estj & Esfj
Introverted sensing
• Si values past experiences. Thus, if a particular pattern has worked in the past, they stick
to it. This leads to routines. Their whole day is planned out without even thinking about
• They have stored copies of their experiences in their heads. So, when they face a familiar
challenge, they refer to those past experiences and the decision that was taken.
• Because they are preoccupied with past experiences, they hardly make the same
mistakes. The memory and details of that mistake are clear and vivid in their heads.
• They users have really detailed and vivid memories. They remember people’s names, the
place where it happened, and stuff like that.
• They prefer to play it safe. Taking risks goes against everything they stand for
• They value stability in their lives. Sticking to what they already know and believe makes
them less likely to have their lives in chaos
Introverted sensing
• If there are any inconsistencies with previous dealings, they’re quick to
spot it. They are usually meticulous and detail-oriented.  it’s hard to trick
• Strengths: practical, organized, good memory, reliable, patient
• Weaknesses: narrow-minded, inflexible, too detail-oriented, nitpicky,
struggle to relax
Introverted Feeling
Dominant function: Infp & Isfp
Auxiliary function: Enfp & Esfp
Introverted feeling
• People with strong introverted feeling are loyal to themselves. They strive for
authenticity in whatever they do. They also don’t mind if others consider them odd as
long as they remain true to themselves.
• More than anyone else, they hold onto their internal values. No matter what, they won’t
compromise on what they believe in—even if most people around them have different
• While introverted feeling personality types can be social, they set limits on how much of
their personal lives they share with others. Most Fi users don’t want to get their feelings
hurt, so they don’t open up easily.
• They don’t follow the crowd. Above everything else, they want to stay true to
themselves. They know exactly what they like in fashion, movies, music, and other areas.
• They are highly in tune with their intuition. They can immediately tell if something feels
off, wrong, or goes against their values.
Introverted feeling
• People with strong introverted feeling are highly independent. Even in their closest
intimate relationships, they still want—and need—lots of personal space. They aren’t
controlling and don’t like being controlled.
• They want to build deeply intimate relationships—ideally based on authentic self-

• Strengths: authentic, creative, empathetic, individualistic, passionate

• Weaknessses: overly emotional, difficulty being objective, stubborn, unrealistic, sensitive
Extroverted feeling
Dominant function: Esfj & Enfj
Auxiliary function: Isfj & Infj
Extroverted feeling
• They focuses on shared values, the greater good, and emotional dynamics
• Having a high level of emotional intelligence is one of their biggest strengths. People with
well-developed extroverted feeling easily understand their own and other people’s
emotions  are very empathic. They can feel the emotional spectrum of other people on
a deeply personal level.
• They are naturally blessed with excellent social awareness.
• They come across as nice and friendly. As such, most people feel a sense of familiarity
with them. They effortlessly get people to open up to them, even if they’ve just met.
• They always want to make others happy, which brings them the most satisfaction in life.
this puts them at risk of adopting people-pleasing behaviors, which can lead them to
abandon their own needs
Extroverted feeling
• They tend to be highly sensitive. Since they take pretty much
everything to heart, they try to avoid criticism as much as possible.
• They usually make motivating leaders.
• They can be overly focused on maintaining peace—so much so that
they may not voice their opinions to avoid conflict.

• Strengths: insightful, loyal, empathetic, thoughtful, accommodating

• Weaknesses: people-pleasers, unrealistic, sensitive, overly trusting,
need for external validation
Lol yeah thats it for now if there are any question just ask me.
Sorry if its too confusing
And sorry for the white background

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