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In Partnership with:

Working Together: Innovation

and Digital Transformation
Session 1. Case Studies
Case Study 8: Listening and Learning: The Sawti App


Please spend 10-15 minutes to read / re-read the case

and reflect on the discussion questions below.

Learning outcomes

1. Understand the leadership requirements for digital transformation

2. How to communicate and influence

3. Acquire a global mindset

Discussion questions

How do you think Amir performed as a project team leader?

Which leadership competencies and behavioral indicators did he demonstrate?

Do you agree with his approach, why or why not?

Discussion questions

How would you go about learning from the experience of other countries and

As a project team leader, what would you look out for, and how would you decide
what was important, and what was not?

Discussion questions

There were some disagreements within the team at different stages of the project.
If you were Amir, how would you communicate with your team members to rally
them behind you?

Discussion questions

The project team had to convince both the public and the civil servants
about the value of the feedback app.

If the two-pronged communication strategy suggested by Nora failed, what

would you have done as the team leader?

Discussion questions

If you were leading the project team, how else would you try to remove barriers
and resistance to digitalization among the public and civil servants?

Thinking about your own area of work, how has digitalization affected your

How did different members of your team react to the challenges of


As a team leader, how could you help them better manage these challenges?

The Academy for Developing Administrative Leaders

Thank You

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