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Mass is a measure of a body’s resistance to

change in motion. (make sure you learn and
understand this definition)
A body with a small mass will need a small force
to start it moving or slow it down.
A body with a large mass will need a large force
to start it moving or slow it down
If you have an empty tin (baked bean tin etc) at
home put it on the table and push it across
the table.
Now fill the tin with stones or sand or use a full
tin from the cupboard and push it across the
table .
Which tin required the most force.
Mass depends on the amount of matter in the.
body. (note that this is not its definition – only
a description)
It is the same wherever the body is in the
It is measured in kilograms (kg)
Weight is a force that the earth exerts on a
It is measured in Newtons ((N)
Every mass creates a gravitational field around
This is an area where other masses will
experience a force attracting them to the first
The strength of the gravitational field depends
on the mass and how far you are from the
All other masses experience a force in the field
attracting them to the mass.
You exert a force on anything or anyone around
you. However, because your mass is very
small compared to the earth, the sun etc the
force is so small that it cannot be measured
except with the most sensitive equipment and
specialised experiments.
The strength of the gravitational field is the force
exerted on unit mass.
It is given the symbol g and is measured in N/kg.
Weight is calculated by the equation
Weight = mass x g
W = mg
(N.B. mass must be in kilograms)
Weight depends on two things
1. Mass
2. Gravitational field strength
The larger the mass the larger the weight
The gravitational field g created by the earth at
the earth’s surface has a value approximately
equal to 10 N/kg.
A body with mass 2 kg has a weight of 20 N
A body with mass 200 g has a weight of 2 N
Because the gravitational field changed from
place to place, weight changes from place to
The further you are from the earth, the less
your weight will be
The weight of a body on the moon is less than
the weight of a body on earth as the
gravitational field strength is less.
Gravity is an attractive f____
orce that exists
asses Gravity is always
between all m_____.
The l____
arger the mass is, the greater the
gravitational attraction. The f_____
urther away a
mass is, the less the gravitational attraction.
Your w____ is the pull of the Earth’s gravity
on youreight
body. The Moon is kept in
orbit around the
If you stood on the M___ you would weigh Earth due to gravity.
less than on Earth. oon
This is because the Moon has less mass
than Earth, so the Moon’s g_________ pull
is weaker than the Earth’s. ravitational

© Boardworks Ltd 2003

Mass and weight

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Your mass is a measure of how Your weight is a measure of

many particles there are in the pull of gravity on your
your body. It does not matter body. Your weight depends
where you are in the Universe, upon what planet you are
your mass does not change. standing on.
You would weigh less on
What is mass measured in? Mercury than on Earth
Kilograms because Mercury is smaller
than Earth.
Mass = 10kg
10kg What is weight measured in?
Weight = 100 N

© Boardworks Ltd 2003

Weights and masses can be compared using a

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