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‫الجامعة السعودية االلكترونية‬

‫الجامعة السعودية االلكترونية‬

English Grammar II

Week 6:
Future Tense & Future Time Clauses
Learning Objectives:

• Identify the various ways used to form the future tense of English
• Use the future tense in sentences and paragraphs.
• Recognize future time clauses
• Use future time clauses in sentences and paragraphs
Objectives: Identify the various ways used to form the future tense of
English verbs.

• Several ways exist to talk about the future

• Be going to “Omar is going to attend the meeting”
• Will “Omar will attend the meeting”
• Present progressive “Omar is attending the meeting”
• Simple present “Omar plans on attending the meeting”

• Use be going to or will to make predictions or guesses about the future

• Use be going to, will, or present progressive to talk about future
intentions or plans
Future Tense
Future Tense
Future Tense
Future Tense
Objective: Recognize Future Time Clauses
• When a sentence about future time has two clauses:

• The verb in the main clause is often in the future (will or be going to).

• The verb in the time clause is often in simple present

• Example: Omar will go swimming after he walks to the beach.
Objective: Use Future Time Clauses

• When, after, not until, as soon as introduce the event that happens
• Before, until, by the time introduce the event that happens second.
• While introduces an event that will happen at the same time as
Objective: Use Future Time Clauses

• The time clause can come at the beginning or end of the sentence.
• Use a comma to separate the time clause from the sentence if the
clause is at the beginning of the sentence.
• Example: While I look for a job, I’ll go on studying.
Future Tense & Future Time Clauses
Future Tense & Future Time Clauses
Thank You

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