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Unit 2 | Lesson 2

Diego Landa Olvera

The natural world

Read the sentences. Match each description to the correct word or

adaptable poisonous habitat survivors
endangered sea life origin volcanoes

1. The cold waters of Antarctica suit the temperature needs of penguins and seals. habitat
2. Today, it is estimated that only about 3,500 wild tigers are left in the world. endangered
3. After the forest fire, only half the deer population was still alive. survivor
4. The venom of a king cobra is strong enough to kill a human. poisonous
5. Viruses can change again and again to find new ways to infect other living beings. adaptable
6. Multiple lava flows in Hawaii constantly change the shape of the islands. volcanoes
7. It is believed that the American rock pigeon first came from Europe and Africa. origin
8. There are numerous species of dolphins, whales, and sharks in the ocean. Sea life
The natural world

Work in small groups. Think of examples

for each item.

1. Name two forms of life that you can find in a

pond. Fish and frogs.
2. Name a species of plant life that doesn’t
require a lot of water. Cactus
3. Name an environment where it rains most
the year. Rainforest
4. Name a creature that lives in the desert.
5. Name a bird that is endangered. Bald
6. Name a country with many active volcanoes in
its territory. Japan
Superlative structures; ungradable adjectives

Read the statements about wild animals. Decide

which ones are true (T) and which are false (F). How
can you change the false statements to make them
1. Hippos are one of the most aggressive animals in Africa. T

2. Sharks are the deadliest creatures on Earth. F

3. The blue whale is the heaviest animal on Earth. T
4. The tallest land animal on the planet is the giraffe. T
5. Canada is the country with one of the highest numbers of
endangered species. F
6. Birds are the most endangered form of life on the planet. F

7. The mouse is the land animal with the smallest brain. F

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