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Definition of Optics:Optics is the branch of physics that

focuses on the study of light and its behavior when it

interacts with different media, such as lenses, mirrors, prisms,
among others. The propagation, reflection, refraction, and
absorption of light, as well as phenomena related to the
formation of images and vision, are examined.
Definition of Light:Light is a form of radiant energy that is
propagated in the form of visible electromagnetic waves to
the human eye and other animal species. It is manifested as a
combination of different colors and is responsible for the
illumination and visual perception of our surroundings. Light
can be produced by natural sources, such as the sun, or by
artificial sources, such as lamps and screens.

A secondary color is formed by Gravity, density, velocity.

mixing two primaries.
The water is tinted by the dye.
The water is
mixed by the stick.

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