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Marketing measurement tools

Are we doing well?

Three Questions

1. Have you ‘measured’ your performance in the last seven days (on any
criteria). (yes / no)

2. What were you measuring? (the units)

3. What was the reason that you measured it? What did it allow you to do?


“We can only control what we can measure”

Wheatley, 1999a


Descriptive Metrics ‫الكفاءات‬

•What are we good at? (Key Competencies)
•How do we compare? (Competitors, Time, etc.)
‫مقارنة‬ ‫منافسين‬
Predictive Metrics
‫الفرص‬ 3
•What could we do better next time? (Opportunities)
What is a Marketing Metric?

‫محاولة‬ ‫خلق‬ ‫تقيم‬

An attempt to create objective assessment in marketing activities:

• Finance people have used metrics for years – we now see the value in Marketing.

• In times of cost saving/financial prudence we must be ‘leaner’ (Jeffery, 2010)

• Similarly, we have to justify marketing benefits (Jeffery, 2010)

“My CEO has just cut the marketing budget by 30%. How can I justify my work has relevance if I can’t
measure it”
Measurement & Marketing

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half”
(John Wanamaker)

•Creative or Scientific?
•Intuition or Fact driven?

Key Question: Can we afford to make decisions based on conjecture?

A little personal story


•91% of CMO’s (in the top believed successful brands need data-centric decisions

•100% of CMO’s agreed decision making requires data

•29% say that they don’t have any data to assist decisions

•39% say that their data is insufficient (time, scope, etc.)

My Coke Rewards
We are a B2B – lack of access!

The Coke Initiative:
-Frequent drinker scheme
-Users enter can ISBN
-Prizes for loyalty (t-shirts, pens, caps)

-Coke receive user details
- Address, age, income, consumption (i.e. a database)
-Coke get users to market their brand
- T-shirts, etc.

Why Many Marketers get it
Linda Popky (2015) – See LC

1. Marketers should focus on metrics that have impact (like CSAT,

NPS, Community Engagement)

2. Instead many marketers focus on metrics that are simple to measure

or are accessible (e.g. likes, shares, etc.)

Quick Activity
A supermarket retailer is launching its yearly, one day, Sunday Sale. It wants to see whether the
store has attracted more customers.

Assuming you could only suggest two metrics of the following, which two might you choose (if
any) to deliver the greatest insight:

1.Store footfall (number of people entering store)

2.Change in store footfall from the day before (%)
3.Customer satisfaction with the store
4.Gross sales in store (in £’s)
5.Average time in store (in seconds)
6.Percentage of first time visitors to store (%’s)
7.Change in store footfall from the previous one day sale (%)
The End
Any questions?

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