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Paulina Estevez Puggioli

Teachers: Miss Kate and Mr. Gonzalo

What is an eating disorder?
Eating disorders are a type of serious mental health condition
characterized by severe disturbances in eating behaviors and
related thoughts and emotions.

What risk factors are associated with eating

The risk of developing an eating disorder can stem from a
wide range of interacting psychosocial factors, biological
factors, et; which increases the heterogeneity of
experiences and symptoms that people with eating disorders
experience. However, research has identified several broad
factors that can influence the propensity to develop an
eating disorder.
Biological factors
Genetic research has established the familial nature of AN, with
those with a first degree relative with AN having a ten-fold greater
lifetime risk of developing the disorder.

Psychological factors
Ciertos rasgos psicológicos, como el perfeccionismo y la
inflexibilidad cognitivo-conductual, están asociados con el riesgo de
desarrollar un trastorno alimentario. Específicamente, el
establecimiento de expectativas elevadas y poco realistas de uno
mismo y la incapacidad de adaptarse a condiciones inesperadas.
Some eating disorders
01 02 03
Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Pica
People with anorexia Individuals with pica
Individuals with bulimia then attempt crave non-food
generally view themselves
as overweight, even if to purge to compensate for the substances, such as
they’re dangerously ice, dirt, soil, chalk,
calories consumed and relieve gut
underweight. soap, paper, hair,
discomfort. Individuals with bulimia cloth, wool, pebbles,
then attempt to purge to compensate laundry detergent, or
for the calories consumed and relieve
gut discomfort. Common purging
behaviors include forced vomiting,

04 fasting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas,

and excessive exercise.
Binge eating disorder
Is one of the most common eating disorders,
especially in the United States. It usually
begins during adolescence and early adulthood,
although it can develop later. They typically
eat unusually large amounts of food in
relatively short periods of time and feel a lack
of control during bingeing. People with binge
eating disorder do not restrict calories or use
purging behaviors, such as vomiting or
excessive exercise, to compensate for their
binge eating.
Common symptoms


Eating large amounts of

02 food quickly, secretly, and
even feeling
uncomfortably full,
Feeling of lack of control despite not being hungry
during binge episodes
Common symptoms

Feelings of distress, such as shame,
disgust, or guilt, when thinking about the
binge-eating behavior.

Not using purging behaviors, such as
calorie restriction, vomiting, excessive
exercise, or use of laxatives or diuretics,
to offset binging.
Percentage of eating disorders

18 and 21
years old
in Chile

7 ,8% worldwide in
the last 18 years

latest studies that

talk about fully cured 84%
patients are
Extra fact
People with binge eating
disorder are often overweight
or obese. This can increase
your risk of medical
complications related to being
overweight, such as heart
disease, stroke, and type 2
● Eating desorders. (s. f.). healthline. Recuperado 23 de abril de 2021, de


● Knigth, C. (s. f.). What is an eating disorder? news medical. Recuperado 23 de abril de 2021, de

● Petre, A. (2019, 30 octubre). Common types. healthline.

● Statistics. (s. f.). Asociación TCA Aragón. Recuperado 23 de abril de 2021, de

● Statistics in chile. (s. f.). Clínica Las Condes. Recuperado 23 de abril de 2021, de



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