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Difference Between Cloud, Fog & Edge

Computing in IoT

D r. E n g r. G h u l a m M u h a m m a d S h a i k h
B.E(MUET), M.E(MUET), PhD(BIT, China)
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bahria University Karachi Campus
Difference between Cloud, Fog and
Edge Computing in IoT
◇ Cloud computing is the most widely-used form of IoT data management. Along with
cloud computing, fog and edge computing have been widely used to increase the speed
and efficiency of data processing and bring intelligence closer to IoT devices that create
data (sensors) and act on it (actuators).
Cloud Computing in IoT Environment
◇ Cloud computing is the standard of IoT data storage right now. It’s the form of computing
where data is stored on multiple servers and can be accessed online from any device.
Instead of saving information to local servers or devices, users store it on third-party online
servers placed in remote data centers.
◇ To access data, a user needs to enter an account associated with the cloud service. The data
undergoes end-to-end encryption, so even service providers have no access to users' data
assets. For the Internet of Things, this means securely storing and managing a massive
volume of data generated by IoT ecosystem and having quick access to it from multiple
devices, anytime, anywhere.
Fog Computing
◇ Fog computing works as an intermediate layer between a traditional centralized data
storage system (cloud) and edge devices. Fog extends the cloud and brings computation
and data storage closer to the edge. Fog consists of multiple nodes (fog nodes) and
creates a local network which makes it a decentralized ecosystem — the main difference
between fog and cloud computing.
◇ When data gets to the fog layer, the node decides whether to process it locally or send it
to the cloud. The data, therefore, can be accessed offline because some portions of it are
stored locally as well. This is another key distinction between fog computing vs cloud
computing, where all the intelligence and computing are performed and stored on
remote servers.
How is data processed by fog computing?

• Urgent requests are sent directly to the fog and processed locally in the network;

• Less sensitive data is transferred to the cloud’s main data centers where it’s stored
and analyzed;

• Under normal conditions, most of the data go to cloud-based storage, local storage
is used in scenarios where saving bandwidth is a priority.

◇ Fog computing is useful when the Internet connection isn’t always stable. For
instance, on connected trains, fog can pull up locally stored data in areas where the
Internet connection can’t be maintained. It also allows implementing data
processing at the local network closer to edge nodes, which is important for time-
sensitive operations and real-time data analytics. This is what makes this approach
more efficient and fast when comparing cloud vs fog computing.
Edge Computing: What is it
◇ Edge computing processes data away from centralized storage, keeping
information on the local parts of the network — edge devices and gateways.
Since the data is processed directly at the edge without being sent to the cloud, it
allows for immediate response and provides unprecedented speed.

◇ Edge computing is the least vulnerable form of decentralized storage. On the

cloud, data is distributed to dozens of servers, whereas edge computing uses
hundreds, possibly thousands of local nodes. Each device can act as a server in
the edge network and process data independently. To break into, hackers would
need synchronized access to thousands of distributed devices, which is
practically impossible.

◇ This is also the difference between fog computing and edge computing — fog
acts as a network that connects to the cloud, while edge devices can be loosely
connected and act on their own.
Difference between cloud, fog and edge Computing
◇ The main difference between cloud, fog and edge computing is where, when and how data from endpoint
devices are processed and stored.

◇ Cloud is the centralized storage situated further from the endpoints than any other type of storage. This
explains the highest latency, bandwidth cost, and network requirements. On the other hand, cloud is a
powerful global solution that can handle huge amounts of data and scale effectively by engaging more
computing resources and server space. It works great for big data analytics, long-term data storage and
historical data analysis.

◇ Fog acts as a middle layer between cloud and edge and provides the benefits of both. It relies on and works
directly with the cloud handing out data that don't need to be processed on the go. At the same time, fog is
placed closer to the edge. If necessary, it engages local computing and storage resources for real-time
analytics and quick response to events.
◇ Just like edge, fog is decentralized meaning that it consists of many nodes. However, unlike edge, fog has a
network architecture. Fog nodes are connected with each other and can redistribute computing and storage
to better solve given tasks.
Difference between cloud, fog and edge Computing
◇ Edge is the closest you can get to end devices, hence the lowest latency and immediate response to data. This
approach allows to perform computing and store some (only limited) volume of data directly on devices,
applications and edge gateways. It usually has a loosely connected structure where edge nodes work with data
independently. This is what differentiates edge from network-based fog.

◇ These computing technologies differ in

their design and purpose but often
complement each other. Let’s take a look
at the key benefits of cloud, fog and edge
computing to better understand where to
use each of these approaches.

Here's a cloud vs. fog vs. edge computing

comparison chart that gives a quick
overview of these and other differences
between these approaches.
Advantages of cloud
computing, fog computing
and edge computing
◇ Edge and fog computing are less known than cloud but have a lot to offer
to businesses and IoT companies in particular. These networks solve many
issues that can’t be solved by IoT cloud computing services and adapt the
decentralized data storage to particular needs. Let’s examine the benefits
of edge, fog and cloud computing individually.
Benefits of FOG computing
• Low latency. The fog network can process large volumes of data with little-to-no delay. Because a lot of data is stored
locally, the computing is performed faster.

• Better data control. In cloud computing, third-party servers are fully disconnected from local networks, leaving little
to no control over data. In fog computing, users can manage a lot of information locally and rely on their security

• Flexible storage system. Fog computing doesn’t require constant online access. The data can be stored locally or
pulled up from local drives — such storage combines online and offline access.

• Connecting centralized and decentralized storage. Fog computing builds a bridge between local drives and third-
party cloud services, allowing a smooth transition to fully decentralized data storage.

◇ Many companies focus on edge computing on their way to decentralization, whereas others adopt fog computing as a
main data storage system due to its high speed and increased availability.
Benefits of Edge computing
• No delays in data processing. The data stays on the “edges” of the IoT network and can be acted on

• Real-time data analysis. Works great when data have to be processed and immediately.

• Low network traffic. The data is first processed locally, and only then sent to the main storage.

• Reduced operating costs. Data management takes less time and computing power because the
operation has a single destination, instead of circling from the center to local drives.

◇ IoT edge computing is an optimal solution for small immediate operations that have to be processed
at millisecond rates. When many small operations are happening simultaneously, performing them
locally is faster and cheaper.
Benefits of Cloud Computing
• Rich resources. When comparing cloud vs. edge vs. fog computing, cloud will always be
the most resourceful approach to handling a massive volume of data. Aside from great
computing and storage capacity, modern cloud provides end-to-end services to manage
IoT data, including security, modern data analytics and visualization services, etc.

• Scalability. Cloud allows to scale easier, faster and more cost-effectively compared to
edge and fog.

• Easy maintenance. Cloud platforms provide tools and services for easy, cost-effective
Do you use the same Hardware in both Fog and
Edge Computing?
• In terms of hardware and the type of computers you can use, you can easily use an Edge
Server for the same purpose as a Fog Server. The difference is in where and how data is
being collected and processed, not necessarily the hardware features and capabilities. If
you take the Karbon 700 Expanded High-Performance Rugged Edge Computer for
example, which was initially designed for Edge Computing, it would be just as suitable
for Fog Computing. Of course, every project is unique. It’s important to have a clear view
of your overall project requirements when selecting and configuring any hardware
Benefits of fog computing
• Low latency. The fog network can process large volumes of data with little-to-no delay. Because a lot of data is stored
locally, the computing is performed faster.

• Better data control. In cloud computing, third-party servers are fully disconnected from local networks, leaving little
to no control over data. In fog computing, users can manage a lot of information locally and rely on their security

• Flexible storage system. Fog computing doesn’t require constant online access. The data can be stored locally or
pulled up from local drives — such storage combines online and offline access.

• Connecting centralized and decentralized storage. Fog computing builds a bridge between local drives and third-
party cloud services, allowing a smooth transition to fully decentralized data storage.

◇ Many companies focus on edge computing on their way to decentralization, whereas others adopt fog computing as a
main data storage system due to its high speed and increased availability.
Fog computing vs Edge Computing in
a nutshell
• In a nutshell, edge computing is data computation that happens at the network’s edge, in
close proximity to the physical location creating the data. On the other hand, fog
computing acts as a mediator between the edge and the cloud for various purposes, such
as data filtering. In the end, fog computing can’t replace edge computing, while edge
computing can live without fog computing in many applications.

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