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Welcome GROUP 2


 The crossword game will include 8 mysterious horizontal rows, behind each
crossword will be a question.
If you answer correctly, you will receive 20 bonus points. If you answer
incorrectly, you will receive no points and must give the right to answer to the other
The team that answers the vertical mystery crossword correctly will be awarded
40 points.
 Each team will have 2 turns to choose the mysterious crossword.
 The winning team is the team with the highest final score.
 In particular, the member who answers the vertical mystery crossword correctly
will receive a mysterious gift from the teacher.
1. What is the only species
where the male gives birth?

S E A H O R S E S 2. What is the only kind of

1 animal (other than man) that is
known to have rituals around
2 E L E P H A N T S
3. I move without wings,
3 S P I D E R
between silken strings, I leave
as you find, my substance
4 F L A M I N G O S
behind. What am I?
P A R R O T S 4. What kind of animal can only
5 eat upside down?
S N A I L 5. A “Pandemonium” is a group
of what kind of animals?
7 6. If a man would carry my
burden – He would break his
back I am not rich But leave
silver in my track.
7. Creeping on its belly, curled
into a ring. Eyes forever open,
beware its lethal sting

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