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Approaches in

Language Teaching
Presented by Mary Rose Ramirez and Kietzke Andrei Mercano
Grammar-Translation Approach:

This approach focuses on teaching grammar rules and translating sentences

between the target language and the native language. It is often used in
traditional language classrooms.
Direct Method

The Direct Method emphasizes teaching the target language through immersion
and communication. It avoids the use of the native language and encourages
learners to think and speak directly in the target language.
This approach places a strong emphasis on listening and speaking skills. It uses
repetitive drills and dialogues to help learners develop accurate pronunciation and
grammatical structures.
Communicative Language Teaching

This approach aims to develop learners' ability to communicate effectively in real-

life situations. It focuses on meaningful communication rather than just mastering
grammar rules and vocabulary.
Task-Based Language Teaching

Task-based language teaching involves learners working on specific tasks or projects that require
them to use the target language to achieve a goal. It promotes communication and problem-solving
Content-Based Instruction

This approach integrates language learning with the study of other

academic subjects. Learners acquire language skills while learning about
a specific content area, such as science or history.
Total Physical
Response (TPR)

TPR is a method that uses physical movement and actions to teach language.
Learners respond to commands in the target language by physically performing
the actions.
The Silent Way

In this approach, the teacher remains silent for much of the

class, allowing learners to take an active role in their own
learning. Learners are encouraged to discover and practice the
target language independently.
Community Language

This approach emphasizes a student-centered approach where learners work together in a

supportive and collaborative environment. Learners express their thoughts and feelings in
the target language, and the teacher acts as a facilitator.
Natural Approach

The natural approach focuses on providing comprehensible input to learners, which means
exposing them to language that is slightly above their current level of proficiency. Learners
acquire language naturally through exposure and understanding.
Thank You

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