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Daniel Bingel
What is self-determination?
 Self determination refers to the free choice of one’s own
state or actions without external compulsion.
 It is also used to refer to the freedom of people in a
specific territorial unit to determine their political status.
 In our own context, we are more concerned with the self-
determination of personal actions and states than with the
political determination of people within a territorial unit.
 In this context, we can say that self-determination leads
people to make choices and decisions based on their own
preferences and interests, to monitor and regulate their
own actions and to be goal oriented and self directing.
 Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation. It is concerned with
supporting our natural or intrinsic tendencies to behave in effective and healthy
ways. SDT has been researched and practiced by a network of researchers around the
 People are centrally concerned with motivation — how to move themselves or others
to act. Everywhere, parents, teachers, coaches, and managers struggle with how to
motivate those that they mentor, and individuals struggle to find energy, mobilize
effort and persist at the tasks of life and work. People are often moved by external
factors such as reward systems, grades, evaluations, or the opinions they fear others
might have of them. Yet just as frequently, people are motivated from within, by
interests, curiosity, care or abiding values. These intrinsic motivations are not
necessarily externally rewarded or supported, but nonetheless they can sustain
passions, creativity, and sustained efforts. The interplay between the extrinsic forces
acting on persons and the intrinsic motives and needs inherent in human nature is the
territory of Self-Determination Theory.
 Self determination theory could be considered as a Meta theory, concerned with
educational research or as a formal theory, concerned with individual motivations.
For our sake here, we will concentrate on the formal theory.
la i n a set of
v e lo p e d to ex ch. Each,
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i o
SDT’s S s, each om laborator ioning.
m a l T h e o r y :
m i n i - th e o r ie
r g e d f r y f u n c t o n t h a t is bas
 For ix e it ti
prises s mena that em n or personal , motiva re
a lly S D T c o m
p h e n o o t i v a tio m o t i v a t io n
m o ti v ation a ET
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a t i o n ally ba o n e fa cet of m e r n s intrins p e s o f intrinsi w e l lspring. such as
m o ti v s n c y ve
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theref a ti o n T he r i ts o wn t i o n is a l
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e h a v ing “ f o
ri n s i c moti v a
i n t ri n sic m o
m o ti vatio n
r i ng i ntrinsic
n of b t n i c e
 1. Co
t i s f actions d p l a y, but i
i a l c o n texts o mpact intrins pports in fost
s a ion a n f soc en t s i my su
on the p l o ra t f e c ts o vo l v e m a u t o n o ains.
h i ld r e n ’ s ex
s s e s t h e ef
a n d e g o - i n
te n c e a n d
o t h e r d o m
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i n i - t h eory, O
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i n s t r u m en t n s tr u m enta l
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m o ti v e x t r
insic m or itself. Yet t ification, and ternalization acting the be is, with what
g t
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when e alization—tha ues, goals,
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n r u al
concer e eithe lights s ndividu s ways. COT
further toward peopl ticularly high ri b e s i
n d u c es O IT p ar i - th e o ry, desc vior in variou n which
c o stems . ird mi n e beha a tion i e
l ie f s y t h e t h e g u la t o ri e n t hich th
or be n . C O T ) , t s a n d r
to n o m y io n i n w
o n s T heory ( d environmen tions: the au t r o l o rientat
y O r i entat i
i e n t t owa r
li t y o rient a
n g ; th e co n
o r ie n tation
usali t o r us a urr i te d
 3. Ca t e n d e ncies to e types of ca f what is occ a l o r a motiva
le’s thre o n
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Self motivation
 Self-motivation is, in its simplest form, the force that
drives you to do things.
 Self-motivation is far from being a simple topic; there are
many books, webpages and articles that attempt to explain
self-motivation and some top academics have dedicated
their life’s work to trying to understand, model and
develop motivation theory.
 Self-motivation is a key life skill and something that
everybody interested in personal development should think
carefully about. It is also a key part of emotional
intelligence, one of the three areas of personal skills that
are integral to the concept.
 Daniel Goleman, the author of several seminal books on
Emotional Intelligence, identified four elements that
make up motivation:
 Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve or to meet
certain standards;
 Commitment to personal or organisational goals;
 Initiative, which he defined as ‘readiness to act on opportunities’;
 Optimism, the ability to keep going and pursue goals in the face
of setbacks.
 There are many advantages to self-motivation. People who
are self-motivated, for example, tend to be more
organised, have good time management skills and more
self esteem and confidence.
Understanding and developing your
self-motivation can help you to
take control of many other aspects
of your life.
Skills Involved in Self-Motivation
There are a number of skills involved in self-motivation.
These include:

 Setting high but realistic goals.

 Taking the right level of risk.
 Seekingconstant feedback to work out how to
 Being committed to personal or organisational goals
and going the ‘extra mile’ to achieve them.
 Actively
seeking out opportunities and seizing them
when they occur.
 Beingable to deal with setbacks and continue to
pursue goals despite obstacles.
Those who are motivated also
find it much easier to
motivate others. This can be
particularly important in
leadership roles.
Thank You for listening!!

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