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MAT NO: 2018/115798/REGULAR

JUNE 2023
A broken bone or bone fracture occurs when a force exerted against a
bone is stronger than the bone can bear. This disturbs the structure
and strength of the bone, and leads to pain, loss of function and
sometimes bleeding and injury around the site.
There are different types of bone fractures. Some are more severe
than others, depending on the strength and direction of the force, the
particular bone involved, and the person's age and general health.
Common bone fractures include: wrist, ankle, hip - hip fractures
occur most often in older people.
Aims and Objectives:
• To identify the various causes of fracture
• To highlight the different types of bone fracture
• To highlight the treatment and management of bone fractures.
Concept of the Study
Definition: A fracture is a partial or complete break in the bone.
(Suddarth's & Burnner ). When a fracture happens, it's classified as
either open or closed
• Open fracture (also called compound fracture): The bone pokes
through the skin and can be seen, or a deep wound exposes the
bone through the skin.
• Closed fracture (also called simple fracture). The bone is broken,
but the skin is intact.
Causes of Bone Fracture
• Falls
• Trauma
• Overuse or repetitive motions
• Diseases such as osteoporosis or cancer in the bones.
Symptoms of a Fracture
• Sudden pain
• Swelling
• Bruising
• Deformity
• Difficulty moving or using the injured area
• X-ray
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
• CT- scan
Treatment of Bone Fracture
1. First aid treatment
2. Reduction: Reduction of a fracture ("setting" the bone) refers to
restoration of the fracture fragments to anatomic alignment and
rotation. It can be open or closed.
3. Immobilization: Immobilization may be accomplished by
external or internal fixation. Methods of external fixation
include bandages, casts, splints, continuous traction, and
external fixators.
4. Maintaining and restoring function
In conclusion, fractures are breaks or cracks in bones that can occur
due to accidents, sports injuries, falls, or underlying medical
conditions. They manifest with symptoms such as pain, swelling,
bruising, deformity, and difficulty in movement. Management of
fractures involves addressing these symptoms providing pain
management, immobilization, and monitoring, skin care, assistance
with daily activities, education, rehabilitation, medication
management, and discharge planning.

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