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Topic 7 : Reading : Conclusion

By: Muhammad Ammar
• 7.1 Drawing conclusion
• 7.2 Importance of reading
• 7.3 Reading strategies
7.1 Drawing conclusion
 Drawing a conclusion is the act of evaluating information, combining it
with one's existing knowledge or understanding, and arriving at an idea
or opinion.
 It also refers to the ability to interpret and make sense of the
information presented in a text, combining it with previous knowledge
and insights in making a conclusion.
 It requires critical thinking skills and the ability to read between the
 Conclusions in reading focus to the final inferences, judgments, or

opinions that a reader makes after reading/examining the entire text.

Importance of Drawing Conclusion

 Drawing conclusions enhances reading comprehension by allowing

readers to:

 Interpret Information: By drawing conclusions, readers can interpret

implied information that's not directly stated.
 Connect Ideas: It helps in connecting different parts of the text and
seeing how they relate to the overall theme or message.
 Engage with the Text: Readers become more actively involved with the

text, asking questions, making predictions, and reflecting on the content.

Steps to draw a conclusion

Drawing conclusions involves several steps:

1) Identifying Key Information: Look for main ideas, supporting details, and
2) Connecting with Prior Knowledge: Relate the information in the text with
what you already know.
3) Analyzing Evidence: Examine the evidence provided in the text and how
it supports the conclusion.

4) Making Inferences: Use logic and reasoning to infer meaning of the

content from the text.
Example (1) :

“A conversation between two friends, where one consistently talks about

working late, feeling stressed, and missing family events”.

Conclusion: From this conversation, a listener might conclude that his friend
is struggling with work-life balance and may be headed for burnout.
Example (2) :

“A series of social media posts from a celebrity promoting a specific brand of

fitness equipment, healthy eating, and an active lifestyle”.

Conclusion: We may conclude that the celebrity endorses a healthy lifestyle

and has a partnership with the fitness brand stated and the celebrity uses
his influence for the endorsements.
7.2 Importance of reading

 Reading is one of the most fundamental skills and plays a vital role in
personal and societal growth
 It is a fundamental skill with wide-ranging of benefits that covers certain
aspects such as:

1) Cognitive and Mental Stimulation

 Brain Exercise: Like any muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to
stay strong and healthy. Reading stimulates mental processes and
activates the brain.

 Critical Thinking: It helps to develop critical thinking by encouraging

readers to make connections, analyze text, and evaluate information.
 Problem-Solving: Reading enhances problem-solving skills, as readers
often have to decipher plot twists, character actions, and underlying
2) Educational Advancement

 Knowledge Accumulation: Reading opens doors to vast fields of

knowledge. From history and science to literature and philosophy,
reading helps individuals to accumulate valuable information.
 Language Skills: It enhances vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills.
Exposure to well-written content naturally improves language
comprehension and expression.
 Academic Success: Reading proficiency is often linked to academic
success, as most subjects require reading and comprehension skills.
3) Creativity and Imagination

 Imaginative Growth: Reading fiction encourages the imagination to

explore different worlds, ideas, and possibilities.
 Creative Thinking: It nurtures creativity by exposing readers to diverse
perspectives and encouraging them to think in unconventional ways.

4) Communication Skills

 Effective Communication: An expanded vocabulary and understanding of

language nuances enable readers to communicate more effectively.

 Social Understanding: Reading about different cultures and social norms
enhances cultural awareness and social understanding of each other.
7.3 Reading strategies

 Reading strategies are specific approaches or methods that we apply to

enhance our comprehension, speed, and focus when reading.

1) Pre-Reading Strategies

 Previewing: Previewing through headings, images, and introductory text to

gain a general understanding of the content.
 Predicting: Making educated guesses about what the text may contain
based on prior knowledge or clues from the text.
 Setting Objectives: Identifying the purpose of reading to guide focus and

2) During Reading Strategies

 Active Reading: Engaging with the text by asking questions, making

connections, and visualizing the content of it.
 Annotating: Making notes or highlighting important parts like keywords of
the text to enhance our understanding of the text.
 Scanning: Searching for specific information or details within the text.
 Skimming: Quickly looking over the text to get a general sense of the
content without delving into details.
 Using Context Clues: Determining the meaning of unknown words or

phrases by looking at the surrounding text.

 Questioning: Asking yourself questions about the text and seeking
answers as we read to deepen comprehension..
3) Post Reading Strategies

 Summarizing: Condensing the main points of the text into a brief

 Reflecting: Thinking about our own reactions to the text, agreements,
disagreements, or personal connections.
 Reviewing: Going back over the text or our notes to reinforce our
understanding of the text’s content.
 Applying: Connecting the information to broader contexts like our life
experiences/knowledges and seeing how it can be applied in real life.

 Application of these elements stated previously represent a holistic view

regarding reading aspect.
 Understanding how to draw conclusions helps readers become active
participants in the reading process.
 Recognizing the importance of reading will fosters motivation and
appreciation for the various benefits that it offers.
 Through employing varied reading strategies in the reading activity, it
ensures that readers have the tools to engage with different texts


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