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Prepared By: Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech) 1
Syllabus: Module 5

18/01/2024 R. N. G, Patel Institute of Technology

 Marketing on LinkedIn:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 Start by creating a compelling and complete the LinkedIn profile for your personal or company page.
This includes a professional photo, a well written headline, a detailed summary, and relevant
experience and skills
 Share high quality, relevant content on your LinkedIn page. This can include articles, posts, and
 If you are promoting a business, create a LinkedIn company page
 LinkedIn offers various advertising options such as, sponsored context, sponsored InMail,
display ads etc.
 Connect with other professionals in your industry and engage with their content
 Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry or interests

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 Analyzing on LinkedIn:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 LinkedIn provides analytics for both, personal profiles and company pages. You can track metrics like
profile views, post engagement, and follower demographics
 If you are running LinkedIn ad campaigns, you can set up conversion tracking to measure specific
actions like website visits, lead generation, product purchases, resulting from your ads
 Experiment with different content formats, posting times, and add variations to see what resonates
best with your audience
 Linked in's follower analytics can help you understand the demographics, locations, and interests of
your followers
 Keep an eye on trending topics, hashtag and industry news, to stay relevant, and create content that
addresses current discussions and challenges

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 Use LinkedIn for marketing:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 Using LinkedIn for marketing can be an effective way to reach a professional audience and promote
your brand, products or services
 Optimize your LinkedIn profile. Start by q compelling and a complete LinkedIn profile
 Use a professional profile picture and a clear, attention-grabbing headline
 Define your target audience. Know who you want to reach and connect with them on LinkedIn. These
might include industry professionals, potential clients or partners
 Create and share valuable content that aligns with your target audience’s interests and needs

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 LinkedIn marketing strategies:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 Create a professional and complete personal profile with a high-quality profile picture and a
compelling headline
 Craft a detailed summary that highlights your expertise,, accomplishments, and what you can offer to
your target audience
 Connect with professionals in your industry, colleagues, clients, and potential partners
 Personalize connection requests with a brief message to establish a connection
 Regularly post content that informs, educates or entertains your audience. Use a content calendar to
maintain consistency
 Use hashtags relevant to your content to increase its discoverability
 Comment on and share content from your network to foster engagement and build relationships

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 Working as a LinkedIn marketing agency:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 Education and skill development: Begin by gaining a deep understanding of LinkedIn's features,
advertising options, and best practices
 Market research: Identify your target clients, such as B2B companies, professionals, or specific
industries. Understand their needs, pain points, and goals when it comes to LinkedIn marketing
 Business planning: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your agency’s mission,
servicing, pricing structure, and business models
 Legal structure and registration: Decide on your agency’s legal structure and register your business
as required in your jurisdiction
 Service offered: Define the services you will offer, such as profile optimization, content creation,
advertising campaigns, analytics reporting, and training workshops

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 Pricing and packages: Determine your pricing structure, whether it's based on hourly rates, project

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

fees or retainer contracts. Develop service packages that clients can choose from
 LinkedIn advertising: Set up and manage LinkedIn ad campaigns for your clients. If possible,
optimize targeting, creativity, and budget reports to clients
 Analytics and reporting: Regular monitor and analyze performance metrics to measure the
effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Provide detailed reports to clients

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 Create a Facebook page for growing your business:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 You need a personal Facebook account to create and manage a Facebook page. If you don’t have one,
sign up for a personal account
 Once you are logged in, go to the facebook page creation page
 Select the type of facebook page that best suits your business, which includes:
 Local business or place
 Company, organization or institution
 Brand or product
 Entertainment
 Cause or community
 Fill in the required information for your page, including the name, category, and a brief introduction

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 Use a professional logo or an image that represents your business. The profile picture will appear as a

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

square image on your page and in search results
 Choose a visually appealing logo or an image that represents your business. This is the larger image at
the top of your page. It is 820 x 312 pixels
 Once your page is created, you can further customize it by adding details, like your website, contact
information, business hours, and more
 A username, also known as a vanity URL, makes it easier for people to find your page. It should be
simple and reflect your brand
 Facebook pages allow you to add a call-to-action button. Choose a relevant action, such as, shop now,
contact us, sign up or learn more
 Start with your first post to engage your audience. It can be a welcoming message, an introduction to
your business or an announcement
 Invite friends and contacts
 Engage your audience and interact with others
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 Target website visitors:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 These are individuals or groups of people who visit your website with a specific intent or purpose that
aligns with your website’s goals and objectives
 Following are its categories:
 Potential customers: These visitors are interested in your products or services and are actively
seeking information or considering a purchase
 Leads and prospects: These visitors have shown interest in your offers by signing up for
newsletters, filling out contact forms or requesting more information
 Returning visitors: These are people who have previously visited your site and are returning for
more information, possibly to complete a transaction or engage further
 Engaged audience: Visitors who regularly interact with your website’s content, such as blog
readers, social media followers or forum members

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 B2B or B2C audience: Some businesses often target other businesses, while others cater to

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

individual consumers. Your target audience may vary based in your business type
 Demographic segments: Visitors grouped by age, gender, income level, education or other
demographic factors that are relevant to your business
 Landing page visitors: Visitors directed to a specific landing page by advertising or marketing
campaigns with a focused call-to-action
 Social media followers: Followers from your social media accounts who click through to your
website for more information, products or services

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 Facebook app advertisements:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

 Ad format: Facebook app advertisements typically features an image or a video, a headline, ad text,
and a call-to-action button
 Targeting: Advertisers can specify their target audience based on various demographics, interests,
behaviour and location
 Placement: These ads can appear in several placements across the Facebook family of apps, including
Facebook, Instagram feeds, stories, audience network, and in messenger
 Objective: Advertisers can choose from various objectives when creating app advertisements, such as
app installs, app engagement or app event optimization
 Deep linking: Facebook app ads can be configured to send users to specific pages or content within
the mobile app, improving the user experience, and guiding users to take desired actions
 Social proof: These ads often display social proof, such as the members of people who have already
installed the app and user reviews, to boost credibility and trust

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 Budget and bidding: Advertisers set a daily or lifetime budget for their campaign and choose from

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

various bidding options, including cost per click or cost per app install
 App engagement campaigns: These ads can also be used in app engagement campaigns, where the
goal is to re-engage users who have already installed the app and encourage them to take specific in
app actions, such as making a purchase or completing a tutorial

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 Pixel codes:

Assistant Prof. Purvaj Piyush Vaidya (MTech)

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