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Shares are

• What are some effective ways a teacher may apply in reporting

students' performance to their parents?
• Do you find reporting to parents a student's performance
effective on developing one's ability ?
Knowledge Capsule Challenge

Directions :The class will be grouped into three. Each group will have a
representative for each round. They will try to look for the hidden capsules
in the classroom. Each capsule has pictures and words to guess inside and
the group who will find and guess the most will be the winner . The
representative must state what the picture or word is within 5 seconds.

01.• Analyze and interpret students' test scores to assess individual

and overall understanding of the subject matter.
• Utilize data from test scores to identify areas of improvement
02. and tailor instructional strategies accordingly.
• Implement effective feedback mechanisms based on test scores
to enhance student learning outcomes.
Assessment in Teaching ?
• allow instructors to reflect upon and describe their teaching and learning
goals, challenges, and accomplishments.

“What teachers know and can do makes the crucial difference in what
students learn.”

Test scores are often used as a measure of the level of
performance or competency demonstrated by the indiv
idual on the test

It is used to evaluate their knowledge, skills, or abilitie
s in a specific subject or area
Challenges in Using Test Scores
-Test scores show patterns over -Tests don’t necessarily
measure what teachers are
required to teach

-Tests provide only a sample

of student performance

On a clean piece of paper, answer the

“ Is it effective to assess the quality of
teaching using the Students test scores?. Answer
in 3-5 sentences .

1. As a student, what do you think is the importance of performing

assessment in teaching ?

2. As a student, what do you think is the importance of learning the

challenges of Using Test Scores to Measure Teacher Quality?

3. As an individual, how can this learning help you in your lives?

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the primary purpose of assessment in teaching?**

a. To rank students
b. To measure teacher effectiveness
c. To evaluate student learning
d. To create competition among students

2. Why do test scores show patterns over time?**

a. Students' abilities remain constant
b. Teaching methods remain consistent
c. Patterns reflect changes in instruction
d. Test questions are recycled

3. What limitation is associated with using tests to measure teacher quality?**

a. Tests are too easy for students
b. Tests don't accurately reflect student knowledge
c. Teachers cannot control test content
d. Tests measure irrelevant skills
4. Why do tests provide only a sample of student performance?
a. Limited testing time
b. Lack of student motivation
c. Inadequate test preparation
d. Testing fatigue

5. What do challenges in using test scores suggest about teacher effectiveness measurement?
a. It's a flawless method
b. It's an unreliable method
c. Test scores are the only factor
d. It's universally accepted

6-10 In 3-5 sentences answer the question below .

“As a future educator what can you do to ensure the quality in teaching in a classroom setting ?”

• Conduct interviews to gather perspectives on whether using student test

scores as a basis for measuring teacher effectiveness is considered fair or
even handed.

B. New Lesson
• What is Reflective Practice in Assessment in Teaching ?

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