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Diabetes type 2

Safee- ullah. babar

What is diabetes type 2 ?

Diabetes type 2 is a type of common disorder which commonly

happens to people who are old or due to obesity. Diabetes is also a
life time conditions which means you can only makes the symptoms
less effective but here is no cure for it. Type 2 diabetes is when the
body either does not produce enough insulin to maintain blood sugar
levels or the insulin sensitivity decrease.
What are the causes of type 2 diabetes

• There are a lot of cause for type 2 diabetes and some of them are:
• Lifestyle: can play a major reason behind people getting type 2
diabetes because unhealthy lifestyles such as low amount of
exercise or excessive eating can lead to diabetes.
• insulin resistance: is also one of the key causes behind type 2
diabetes as if your body is insulin resistance that will mean that
your body will use the insulin properly. Furthermore, shortage of
insulin can be a problem but the main problem is the body
resisting insulin.
Signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes

• There are a lot of signs and symptoms that the human body gives
and they should not be ignored. Some of these include:
• Feeling very tired
• Feeling thirst through out the whole day
• Unexplained weight loss
• Minor injuries talking long time to heal
• Blurry vision
Nutrients Deficiencies caused by type 2
• Through research it is shown that every time blood sugar increases
there are a lot of nitration lost through urine. Some of these are:
• Water
• Magnesium
• Zinc
• B12
• B6
• Folic acid
• And these are only some of the nutrients.
How to replace these nutrients

Even though water is raplced through water intake, other

nutriations are not and scientist recommend having nuttration pills
to make up for the lost. These nutrients pills can be found in local
pharmacies or can be ordered.
Effect of type 2 diabetes on body

• Diabetes has a big effect on the human body. Alongside nutrient

lost, the human body also loses the ability to control blood sugar
levels due to high insulin resistance. There is risk of high blood
sugar is that there is high risk of heart disease and strokes. There
is also includes vision problems alongside with nerve problems. As
you can see, diabetes affects more than one part of the body and
taking care of your lifestyle save you from all this hassle.
Treatment for type 2 diabetes

• There is no treatment for type 2 diabetes but there are things you
can change to control your blood sugar and overtime increase your
insulin sensitivity. The things you can do to manage type 2
diabetes is:
• Weight loss: is the best way to lower blood sugar levels. Weight
loss can be done by going to calorie defecate and then burning
calories so your body breaks the fat stores into glucose.
• Regular exercise: is also another way to lower blood sugar levels
as you are taking out the sugar from the blood and using it to run.
• Healthy eating: is key to manage type 2 diabetes. You should eat
food with high fibers, more natural sugars such as fruit.


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