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“Recognizing Information from

Contextualized Speech”
Quarter 1, Week 1 Day 2
At the end of the lesson, the students
should be able to:
• Use information from speeches that can be
used in everyday life;
• Promote the interest and sense of
responsibility in validating the quality
of information needed in academic and
personal use by identifying the types of
speech according to purpose; and

• Develop the abilities to organize information

and construct it into a text.
What are your strengths & weaknesses?
What are the steps you took to overcome
your weaknesses?
Read a speech about self-worth. Then,
answer the questions that follow.
Do you know who you are? When you look at
yourself in the mirror, what do you see? The best version
of yourself? A façade? A blank picture of yourself? Or
you have got amnesia? Or where you can no longer feel
your inner self?
Based on the speech you read, answer the ff. questions:

1. To overcome personal challenges shows _____.

a. optimism b. courage c. vigor d. both a and b

2. The last two lines of the speech express____.

a. Encouragement b. arrogance c. optimism d. warning

3. One can generalize about the speech is to ____.

a. overcome personal challenges c. be grateful
b. bring out the best in you d. both A and B
4. An effective persuasive technique used by the speaker
to emphasize her point is through appealing to ____.
a. emotion c. reason
b. moral d. both A and B

5. The tone of the speech is more of ____.

a. inspiring c. defending
b. criticizing d. denying
Four basic different types of speech according to purpose:

1. Informative- provides interesting and useful information to audience.

Example: Municipal Health Office (MHO) telling the
community on precautionary measures to avoid the
spreading of virus.

2. Demonstrative- teaches you something that includes a demonstration

of how to do the thing.

Example: How to do proper hand washing

3. Entertainment- provides pleasure and enjoyment that makes
the audience laugh.

Example: Telling about a hilarious movie

4. Persuasive- to convince people or change in some way; to start

doing something.

Example: Convince to become an environmentalist.

Directions: Identify the following examples according to text
types. Write I for Informative, P for Persuasive, E for
Entertainment, and D for Demonstrative.

____1. College professor lecturing on a specific topic during

a class.
____2. A lawyer giving a closing argument a court, arguing
about whether the defendant is innocent or guilty of
the crime.
____3. Chefs describing how to prepare a recipe.
____4. Tutors explaining how to solve mathematical
____5. Speeches given by maids of honor or best
men at weddings.

Read the speech “Dreams Do Come True”

delivered by Manny Pacquiao at Oxford
University. Write (5) sentences from the
speech that show persuasion.

It is a matter of record that I only had traditional

formal schooling until Secondary School, Grade 12. It
was only recently that I reached University level through
the alternative education program. We were dirt poor. I
had to work since the age of five; to help my mother feed
my three siblings and me. Many days, I was lucky to
have one full meal.
on days when we had no food, I would drink lots of
water just to fill my stomach. But my mind and spirit
were never hungry. I read anything I could get my hands

I even read the newspaper that my lunch or

dinner came wrapped in. I read signs everywhere, even
on moving vehicles. I learned measurements and
weights by constantly reading the rates and tariffs at the
warehouses where I worked as a stevedore, a
docker in your parlance.

And for me, the morning did come.

Warm, bright, and simply amazing - a lesson
in what can be achieved if you have
determination … if you ignore the odds
against you …and as you are taught here at
this magnificent institution never, ever quit.
Think of David and Goliath. Look at me. I
am not big, and I never had five smooth
stones to throw at any obstacle, but
determination is a power tool. I won a lot of
Speech delivered by
Below are the Eleven (11) simple ways to care for each
other during the COVID-19 Corona virus pandemic. Arrange
the given information to write an informative speech.

11 Simple Ways to Care For Each Other During the COVID-

19 Corona Virus Pandemic
Greenpeace Philippines, March 27,2020

1. Volunteer your time.

2. Check in on elderly neighbors.
3. Look after yourself, to look after us all- flatten the curve.
4. A cool idea: Rent payment relief for
self-isolated people without paid sick leave.
5. Instill empathy and concern for our health workers.
6. Fundraise for people financially impacted by
quarantine measures.
7. Reach out to people in self-isolation.
8. Combat misinformation online.
9. Share positive news and acts kindness with
your community.
10. Make social distancing fun with video chat.
11. And stop hoarding alcohol and hand
Writers: Maylene C. Met; Margie Rose N. Dato-on

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