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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________ 

Subject:   English 10    Teacher: __________________________________ Score: ______________ 

Lesson : Quarter 3 Week 6 LAS 1 
Activity Title  : Sharing Insights  
Learning Target : Evaluates the content of a chosen speech independently 
Reference(s)         : English 10 LM, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, p.385-389
LAS Writer : Merry Ann R. Vergara 

Understanding a cause and effect link is usually required while sharing story insight. If you do
"A," "B" will follow. When a solution to an issue is discovered, it is referred to as an epiphany, a "aha"
moment, or a "eureka" experience. 

 Below is the summary of the story “If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth”.

The story of Marvin, a child who lives in a lunar colony, is told in "If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth."
His father (who also happens to be the top scientist) drives him across the surface one day to catch a
sight of Earth, which is glowing with fatal radiation.
In a nuclear war, Marvin recalls, Earth was rendered uninhabitable. The colony is mankind's last
hope, yet without a goal to fight for, the colony (and humanity) would perish. The ultimate goal of the
colony will be to one day reclaim Earth, for mankind had developed to a point where the best of it could
put its seed far enough away from where it had evolved, and away from the reach of development's
harm, so that the cradle of humanity could be restored. It took individual effort to attain the colony when
it almost failed, and individual effort to maintain the colony when it barely survived, and provided
confidence that in the distant future the colony would restore mankind's cradle.

Activity: Share your insights from the text read by completing the following phrases. 
1. The story raises my awareness of _______________________________________________. 

2. It helped me realize that nature should be _________________________________________. 

3. As a 21 century learner, I should be able to _____________________________. 


4. To avoid the probability of the earth’s extinction and exile of mankind to outer space, one should
5. For Earth to be sustained people should _________________________________. 

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