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Ahadith about Hiring

Book volume , Hadith number

1. Narrated `Aisha: The Prophet and
Abu Bakr employed a (pagan) man
from the tribe of Bani Ad-Dail and ‫ َع ِن‬، ‫ َعْن َم ْع َمٍر‬، ‫ َأْخ َبَر َنا ِهَشاٌم‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ِإْبَر اِهيُم ْبُن ُم وَس ى‬
the tribe of Bani 'Abu bin `Adi as a ، ‫ َعْن َع اِئَش َة َرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنَها‬، ‫ َعْن ُع ْر َو َة ْبِن الُّز َبْيِر‬، ‫الُّز ْه ِر ِّي‬
guide. He was an expert guide and ‫َو اْس َتْأَج َر الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َو َأُبو َبْك ٍر َرُج اًل ِم ْن َبِني‬
he broke the oath contract which ‫ اْلِخ ِّر يُت اْلَم اِهُر‬، ‫ ُثَّم ِم ْن َبِني َع ْبِد ْبِن َع ِدٍّي َهاِدًيا ِخ ِّر يًتا‬، ‫الِّديِل‬
he had to abide by with the tribe of ‫ َقْد َغ َم َس َيِم يَن ِح ْلٍف ِفي آِل اْلَعاِص ْبِن َو اِئٍل َو ُهَو‬، ‫ِباْلِهَد اَيِة‬
Al-`Asi bin Wail and he was on the ‫ َفَد َفَعا ِإَلْيِه َر اِح َلَتْيِهَم ا َو َو اَعَد اُه‬، ‫َع َلى ِد يِن ُك َّفاِر ُقَر ْيٍش َفَأِم َناُه‬
religion of Quraish pagans. The ‫ َفَأَتاُهَم ا ِبَر اِح َلَتْيِهَم ا َص ِبيَح َة َلَياٍل َثاَل ٍث‬، ‫َغ اَر َثْو ٍر َبْع َد َثاَل ِث َلَياٍل‬
‫ َفَأَخ َذ‬، ‫ َفاْر َتَح اَل َو اْنَطَلَق َم َعُهَم ا َع اِمُر ْبُن ُفَهْيَر َة َو الَّد ِليُل الِّديِلُّي‬،
Prophet and Abu Bakr had
confidence in him and gave him ‫ ِبِهْم َأْس َفَل َم َّك َة َو ُهَو َطِريُق الَّس اِح ِل‬.
their riding camels and told him to
bring them to the Cave of Thaur
after three days. So, he brought
them their two riding camels after
three days and both of them (The Chapter 38 The Book Of Hiring
Prophet and Abu Bakr) set out Book Sahih Bukhari
accompanied by 'Amir bin Fuhaira
and the Dili guide who guided them Hadith No 2263
below Mecca along the road
leading to the sea-shore. Ujrat Ke Masail Ka
Baab Bayan
‫َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو اْلَيَم اِن ‪َ ،‬أْخ َبَر َنا ُش َع ْيٌب ‪َ ،‬ع ِن الُّز ْهِرِّي ‪َ ،‬ح َّد َثِني َس اِلُم ْبُن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا ‪َ ،‬أَّن‬
‫َع ْبَد ِهَّللا ْبَن ُع َم َر َرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه ‪َ ،‬قاَل ‪َ :‬سِم ْع ُت َر ُسوَل ِهَّللا َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم ‪،‬‬
‫َيُقوُل ‪ :‬اْنَطَلَق َثاَل َثُة َر ْهٍط ِمَّم ْن َك اَن َقْبَلُك ْم ‪َ ،‬ح َّتى َأَو ْو ا اْلَمِبيَت ِإَلى َغ اٍر َفَد َخ ُلوُه ‪،‬‬
‫َفاْنَح َد َر ْت َص ْخ َر ٌة ِم َن اْلَجَبِل َفَس َّد ْت َع َلْيِهُم اْلَغ اَر ‪َ ،‬فَقاُلوا ‪ِ :‬إَّنُه اَل ُيْنِج يُك ْم ِم ْن َهِذِه‬
‫الَّص ْخ َرِة ِإاَّل َأْن َتْدُع وا َهَّللا ِبَص اِلِح َأْع َم اِلُك ْم ‪َ ،‬فَقاَل َر ُجٌل ِم ْنُهْم ‪ :‬الَّلُهَّم َك اَن ِلي َأَبَو اِن‬
‫َشْيَخ اِن َك ِبيَر اِن ‪َ ،‬و ُكْنُت اَل َأْغ ِبُق َقْبَلُهَم ا َأْهاًل َو اَل َم ااًل ‪َ ،‬فَنَأى ِبي ِفي َطَلِب َش ْي ٍء‬
‫َيْو ًم ا ‪َ ،‬فَلْم ُأِرْح َع َلْيِهَم ا َح َّتى َناَم ا ‪َ ،‬فَح َلْبُت َلُهَم ا َغ ُبوَقُهَم ا َفَو َج ْد ُتُهَم ا َناِئَم ْيِن ‪،‬‬
‫َو َك ِرْهُت َأْن َأْغ ِبَق َقْبَلُهَم ا َأْهاًل َأْو َم ااًل ‪َ ،‬فَلِبْثُت َو اْلَقَدُح َع َلى َيَد َّي َأْنَتِظ ُر اْس ِتيَقاَظُهَم ا‬
‫َح َّتى َبَر َق اْلَفْج ُر ‪َ ،‬فاْسَتْيَقَظا َفَش ِرَبا َغ ُبوَقُهَم ا ‪ ،‬الَّلُهَّم ِإْن ُكْنُت َفَع ْلُت َذ ِلَك اْبِتَغ اَء‬
‫‪Chapt The Book‬‬ ‫َو ْج ِهَك ‪َ ،‬فَفِّر ْج َع َّنا َم ا َنْح ُن ِفيِه ِم ْن َهِذِه الَّص ْخ َرِة ‪َ ،‬فاْنَفَرَج ْت َشْيًئا اَل َيْسَتِط يُعوَن‬
‫‪er 38 Of Hiring‬‬ ‫اْلُخ ُروَج ‪َ ،‬قاَل الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم ‪َ :‬و َقاَل اآْل َخ ُر ‪ :‬الَّلُهَّم َك اَنْت ِلي ِبْنُت َع ٍّم‬
‫َك اَنْت َأَح َّب الَّناِس ِإَلَّي ‪َ ،‬فَأَر ْد ُتَها َع ْن َنْفِس َها ‪َ ،‬فاْم َتَنَع ْت ِم ِّني َح َّتى َأَلَّم ْت ِبَها َس َنٌة ِم َن‬
‫‪Sahih‬‬ ‫الِّس ِنيَن ‪َ ،‬فَج اَء ْتِني َفَأْع َطْيُتَها ِع ْش ِريَن َو ِم اَئَة ِد يَناٍر ‪َ ،‬ع َلى َأْن ُتَخ ِّلَي َبْيِني َو َبْيَن َنْفِس َها‬
‫‪Book‬‬ ‫‪Bukhari‬‬
‫‪َ ،‬فَفَع َلْت َح َّتى ِإَذ ا َقَد ْر ُت َع َلْيَها ‪َ ،‬قاَلْت ‪ :‬اَل ُأِح ُّل َلَك َأْن َتُفَّض اْلَخ اَتَم ِإاَّل ِبَح ِّقِه ‪،‬‬
‫‪Hadit‬‬ ‫َفَتَح َّرْج ُت ِم َن اْلُو ُقوِع َع َلْيَها َفاْنَص َر ْفُت َع ْنَها َو ِهَي َأَح ُّب الَّناِس ِإَلَّي َو َتَر ْك ُت الَّذ َهَب‬
‫‪h No‬‬ ‫اَّلِذ ي َأْع َطْيُتَها ‪ ،‬الَّلُهَّم ِإْن ُكْنُت َفَع ْلُت اْبِتَغ اَء َو ْج ِهَك َفاْفُر ْج َع َّنا َم ا َنْح ُن ِفيِه ‪،‬‬
‫َفاْنَفَرَجِت الَّص ْخ َر ُة َغْيَر َأَّنُهْم اَل َيْسَتِط يُعوَن اْلُخ ُروَج ِم ْنَها ‪َ ،‬قاَل الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا‬
‫‪Ujrat Ke‬‬ ‫َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم ‪َ :‬و َقاَل الَّثاِلُث ‪ :‬الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني اْسَتْأَج ْر ُت ُأَجَر اَء َفَأْع َطْيُتُهْم َأْج َر ُهْم َغْيَر َر ُج ٍل‬
‫‪Baab‬‬ ‫‪Masail‬‬
‫‪Ka Bayan‬‬ ‫َو اِح ٍد َتَر َك اَّلِذ ي َلُه َو َذ َهَب َفَثَّم ْر ُت َأْج َرُه َح َّتى َك ُثَر ْت ِم ْنُه اَأْلْم َو اُل ‪َ ،‬فَج اَء ِني َبْع َد‬
‫ِح يٍن ‪َ ،‬فَقاَل ‪َ :‬يا َع ْبَد ِهَّللا ‪َ ،‬أِّد ِإَلَّي َأْج ِري ‪َ ،‬فُقْلُت َلُه ‪ُ :‬ك ُّل َم ا َتَر ى ِم ْن َأْج ِرَك ِم َن‬
‫اِإْل ِبِل ‪َ ،‬و اْلَبَقِر ‪َ ،‬و اْلَغَنِم ‪َ ،‬و الَّر ِقيِق ‪َ ،‬فَقاَل ‪َ :‬ياَع ْبَد ِهَّللا ‪ ،‬اَل َتْسَتْهِزُئ ِبي ‪َ ،‬فُقْلُت ‪ِ :‬إِّني‬
‫اَل َأْسَتْهِزُئ ِبَك َفَأَخ َذ ُه ُك َّلُه ‪َ ،‬فاْسَتاَقُه َفَلْم َيْتُر ْك ِم ْنُه َشْيًئا ‪ ،‬الَّلُهَّم َفِإْن ُكْنُت َفَع ْلُت َذ ِلَك‬
‫‪ .‬اْبِتَغ اَء َو ْج ِهَك ‪َ ،‬فاْفُر ْج َع َّنا َم ا َنْح ُن ِفيِه ‪َ ،‬فاْنَفَرَجِت الَّص ْخ َر ُة ‪َ ،‬فَخ َر ُجوا َيْم ُش وَن‬
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, Three men from among those who were
before you, set out together till they reached a cave at night and entered it. A big rock rolled down the
mountain and closed the mouth of the cave. They said (to each other), Nothing could save you Tom this
rock but to invoke Allah by giving referenda to the righteous deed which you have done (for Allah's sake
only).' So, one of them said, 'O Allah! I had old parents and I never provided my family (wife, children etc.)
with milk before them. One day, by chance I was delayed, and I came late (at night) while they had slept. I
milked the sheep for them and took the milk to them, but I found them sleeping. I disliked to provide my
family with the milk before them. I waited for them and the bowl of milk was in my hand and I kept on
waiting for them to get up till the day dawned. Then they got up and drank the milk. O Allah! If I did that
for Your Sake only, please relieve us from our critical situation caused by this rock.' So, the rock shifted a
little but they could not get out. The Prophet added, The second man said, 'O Allah! I had a cousin who
was the dearest of all people to me and I wanted to have sexual relations with her but she refused. Later
she had a hard time in a famine year and she came to me and I gave her one-hundred-and-twenty Dinars
on the condition that she would not resist my desire, and she agreed. When I was about to fulfill my
desire, she said: It is illegal for you to outrage my chastity except by legitimate marriage. So, I thought it a
sin to have sexual intercourse with her and left her though she was the dearest of all the people to me,
and also I left the gold I had given her. O Allah! If I did that for Your Sake only, please relieve us from the
present calamity.' So, the rock shifted a little more but still they could not get out from there. The Prophet
added, Then the third man said, 'O Allah! I employed few laborers and I paid them their wages with the
exception of one man who did not take his wages and went away. I invested his wages and I got much
property thereby. (Then after some time) he came and said to me: O Allah's slave! Pay me my wages. I said
to him: All the camels, cows, sheep and slaves you see, are yours. He said: O Allah's slave! Don't mock at
me. I said: I am not mocking at you. So, he took all the herd and drove them away and left nothing. O
Allah! If I did that for Your Sake only, please relieve us from the present suffering.' So, that rock shifted
completely and they got out walking.
3. Narrated Anas bin Malik: When Abu ، ‫ َعْن ُح َم ْيٍد الَّطِو يِل‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا ُس ْفَياُن‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ُم َح َّم ُد ْبُن ُيوُس َف‬
Taiba cupped the Prophet and the
‫ َح َج َم َأُبو َطْيَبَة الَّنِبَّي‬: ‫ َقاَل‬، ‫َعْن َأَنِس ْبِن َم اِلٍك َر ِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه‬
Prophet ordered that he be paid one ، ‫ َفَأَم َر َلُه ِبَص اٍع َأْو َص اَع ْيِن ِم ْن َطَعاٍم‬، ‫َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم‬
or two Sas of foodstuff and he ‫َو َك َّلَم َم َو اِلَيُه َفَخ َّفَف َعْن َغ َّلِتِه َأْو َض ِريَبِتِه‬
interceded with his masters to reduce
his taxes. Book Sahih

Hadith No 2277

‫ َعْن َأِبي‬، ‫ َع ِن اْبِن ِشَهاٍب‬، ‫ َعْن َم اِلٍك‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ُقَتْيَبُة ْبُن َسِع يٍد‬ Ujrat Ke
‫ َعْن َأِبي َم ْسُعوٍد‬، ‫َبْك ِر ْبِن َع ْبِد الَّرْح َمِن ْبِن اْلَح اِرِث ْبِن ِهَشاٍم‬ Babb Masail Ka
‫اَأْلْنَص اِرِّيَرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه َر ُس وَل ِهَّللا َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َنَهى‬ Bayan
‫ َو ُح ْلَو اِن اْلَك اِهِن‬، ‫ َو َم ْه ِر اْلَبِغ ِّي‬، ‫ َعْن َثَمِن اْلَك ْلِب‬.

Book Sahih Bukhari

4. Narrated Abu Mas`ud Al-Ansari: Allah's
Apostle regarded illegal the price of a dog, the Hadith No 2282
earnings of a prostitute, and the charges
taken by a soothsayer. Ujrat Ke Masail
Baab Ka Bayan
5. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Ansar said (to the Prophet ), Please
divide the date-palm trees between us and them (i.e. emigrants). The
Prophet said, No. The Ansar said, Let them (i.e. the emigrants) do the
labor for us in the gardens and share the date-fruits with us. The
emigrants said, We accepted this.

‫ َسِم ْع ُت اْلُم ِغ يَر َة ْبَن َعْبِد‬: ‫ َقاَل‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا الَّص ْلُت ْبُن ُم َح َّم ٍد َأُبو َهَّم اٍم‬
‫ َع ْن َأِبي ُهَر ْيَر َة‬، ‫ َع ْن اَأْلْع َر ِج‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو الِّز َناِد‬، ‫الَّرْح َمِن‬
، ‫ اْقِس ْم َبْيَنَنا َو َبْيَنُهُم الَّنْخ َل‬: ‫ َقاَلْت اَأْلْنَص اُر‬: ‫ َقاَل‬، ‫َرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه‬
: ‫ َقاُلوا‬، ‫ َيْك ُفوَنا اْلَم ُئوَنَة َو تْش ِرُك وَنا ِفي الَّتْمِر‬: ‫ َقاَل‬، ‫ اَل‬: ‫َقاَل‬
‫ َسِم ْع َنا َو َأَطْع َنا‬.
Chapter 64 The Merits Of

Book Sahih Bukhari

Hadith No 3782

Ansar Ke
Baab Munaqib
Book Sahih Bukhari
‫ َعْن‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا ُج َو ْيِرَيُة ْبُن َأْس َم اَء‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ُم وَس ى ْبُن ِإْس َم اِع يَل‬
Hadith No 2285 ‫ َأْع َطى َر ُس وُل ِهَّللا‬: ‫ َقاَل‬، ‫ َعْن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا َرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه‬، ‫َناِفٍع‬
، ‫ َأْن َيْع َم ُلوَها َو َيْز َر ُعوَها‬، ‫َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َخ ْيَبَر اْلَيُهوَد‬
Baab Ujrat Ke Masail ‫ َأَّن اْلَم َز اِرَع‬، ‫ َو َأَّن اْبَن ُع َم َر َح َّد َثُه‬، ‫َو َلُهْم َش ْط ُر َم ا َيْخ ُرُج ِم ْنَها‬
Ka Bayan
‫ َك اَنْت ُتْك َر ى َع َلى َش ْي ٍء َس َّم اُه َناِفٌع اَل َأْح َفُظُه‬،

6. Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Book Sahih Bukhari

Apostle gave the land of Khaibar to the Jews Hadith No 2284
to work on and cultivate and take half of its
yield. Ibn `Umar added, The land used to be Ujrat Ke
rented for a certain portion (of its yield). Nafi` Baab Masail Ka
mentioned the amount of the portion but I Bayan
forgot it.
‫ َعْن‬، ‫ َو ِإْس َم اِع يُل ْبُن ِإْبَر اِهيَم‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا َع ْبُد اْلَو اِرِث‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ُم َس َّدٌد‬
، ‫ َع ِن اْبِن ُع َم َر َرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه‬، ‫ َعْن َناِفٍع‬، ‫َع ِلِّي ْبِن اْلَح َك ِم‬
‫ َنَهى الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َعْن َع ْس ِب اْلَفْح ِل‬: ‫ َقاَل‬.
.7. Narrated Ibn `Umar: The Prophet forbade
taking a price for animal copulation.
Book Bukhari : ‫ َقاَل‬، ‫ َعْن َع ْمِرو ْبِن َع اِم ٍر‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا ِم ْسَعٌر‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو ُنَعْيٍم‬
‫ َك اَن الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه‬: ‫ َيُقوُل‬، ‫َسِم ْع ُت َأَنًس ا َرِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه‬
Hadith No 2280 ‫ َو َلْم َيُك ْن َيْظ ِلُم َأَح ًد ا َأْج َر ُه‬، ‫َو َس َّلَم َيْح َتِج ُم‬
Ujrat Ke
Baab Masail Ka 8. Narrated Anas: The Prophet used to get
cupped and would never withhold the wages
of any person .

‫اْنَص ِر َفا َنِفي َلُهْم ِبَعْه ِدِهْم َو َنْس َتِع يُن َهَّللا َع َلْيِهْم‬

‫َفْاُتْو ا ِبِكٰت ِبُك ْم ِاْن ُك ْنُتْم ٰص ِدِقْيَن‬

9. The written employment contract duly Sahih
signed by the employer and worker is a valid Book Muslim
document for reference in future service
issues. “Produce your book if you are Hadith No 157
chapter 37
‫َأَال َم ْن َظَلَم ُم َعاِهًد ا َأِو اْنَتَقَصُه َأْو َك َّلَفُه‬
‫َفْو َق َطاَقِتِه َأْو َأَخ َذ ِم ْنُه َش ْيًئا ِبَغْيِر ِط يِب‬
‫َنْفٍس َفَأَنا َح ِج يُج ُه َيْو َم اْلِقَياَم ِة‬

10. Those who deprive others of their Sunan abi

rights and force them to accept dawud
inhumane working conditions will face
Hadith No 3052
the punishment on the day of judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said:
chapter 37
Beware, if anyone wrongs a contracting
man, or diminishes his right, or forces
him to work beyond his capacity, or takes
from him anything without his consent, I
shall plead for him on the Day of

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