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● 1.To study the current COVID-19 related expeirences among people from
different walks of life.
● 2.To access the impact of COVID-19 on social life of people.
● 3.To access the impact of COVID-19 on health,human behaviour and
● 4.To study the impact of lockdowns on family relationships and financial
condition of families.

◆ Selection of the topic

◆ Preparation of quetionnaire
◆ Data collection and analysis
◆ Preparation of detailed report

● Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by a virus, the severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first known case was identified
in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The disease quickly spread worldwide, resulting in the
COVID-19 pandemic.
● The symptoms of COVID‑19 are variable but often include fever,cough, headache, fatigue,
breathing difficulties, loss of smell, and loss of taste. Symptoms may begin one to fourteen days
after exposure to the virus. At least a third of people who are infected do not develop
noticeable symptoms. Of those who develop symptoms noticeable enough to be classified as
patients, most (81%) develop mild to moderate symptoms (up to mild pneumonia), while
14% develop severe symptoms (dyspnea, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on
imaging), and 5% develop critical symptoms (respiratory failure, shock, or multiorgan
• The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reshaped project landscapes,
introducing a cascade of challenges and adaptations. Supply chain disruptions,
remote work hurdles, and budget constraints forced projects to navigate
uncharted territory. Timelines were often delayed, and economic uncertainties
led to resource reallocation. Projects had to swiftly adapt to new regulations,
implement digital tools, and address human resource challenges. The pandemic
accelerated digital transformation and highlighted the importance of
transparent communication with clients and stakeholders. Contractual disputes
and legal issues arose, and market demand shifts impacted project scopes.
While the crisis brought forth unprecedented difficulties, it also prompted
resilience, creativity, and a reevaluation of traditional project management
practices. The enduring legacy of the pandemic on project dynamics
underscores the necessity for flexibility, adaptability, and robust risk mitigation
strategies in the face of unforeseen global challenges.
1. How did you feel when the first lockdown was announced ?
2. Has Covid-19affected your income or income of your family ?
3. Didi you feel cut off your friends duie to lockdown?
4. What life lesson has Covid-19 taught you?
5. Did you lose any of your nearer dear one due to covid
6. How did your daily routine and eating habits change during lockdowns?
7. Did you take any exercise during lockdown?
8. Do you feel online education is effective for your children?
9. What problems your family faced during lockdowns ?
10. How did you feel when mobility outside from home was restricted?

A survey was administrated by us to understand the effects of COVID-19 on

families belonging to different stages of society in my city , Basti. The data
were collected via survey between 1 December to 15 December 2023. Some
interviews were also carried out online or by telephone. Interviews took place
face to face observing social distancing rules. The interview frame was very
simple : the families were asked what had changed in their lives compared to
the situation pre lockdown , what had improved or got worse? Some data was
also collcetted from my village and city. People were asked very simple
question. We give a special treat to children and old age people regarding there
expierence about this corona pandemic.
General problems in families facing Covid-19 lockdowns
The novel corona virus (COVID 19) pandemic impacted everyone, some more drastically than others
Not only have individuals and families been dealing with threats to their health from COVID-19 itself
by trying to avoid and survive infection, but there have also been so many special meanings for
families. For most families which participated in the survey, it meant making big changes in everyday
routines due to financial hardships, closure of schools and colleges, dealing with quarantine or loss
of family member.
In the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, school/child care closures and
employment instability had created unprecedented conditions for families raising children at home
Coping with "new normal was challenging for all. Lockdown altered lifestyle disrupted the
enjoyment of living in a society. One prominent issue is the strain on mental health, as the prolonged
isolation and uncertainty contribute to increased stress, anxiety, and depression within households.
The blurring of boundaries between work, school, and personal life due to remote work and virtual
learning has led to challenges in achieving work-life balance, further exacerbating stress levels.
Financial hardships stemming from job losses and economic downturns have placed additional
strains on family dynamics, often leading to heightened tensions and difficulties in meeting basic
For alters all families, lockdown meant that many parents were unable to go to
work due to temporary closure of their workplaces School closures resulted in
children moving overnight to distance learning, Many homes turned into over
populated multifunctional places 24/7, with both positive and negative impacts
on relationships. Homes functioned simultaneously as school, office and living
space, parents were finding themselves in a bind.
The children who were at boarding school enjoyed their prolonged stay at home
with i family members, doing gardening and maintenance work around the house,
and helping siblings to manage their schoolwork. While some children
occasionally became frustrated w their siblings and conflicts developed. About a
third of the children reported an increase in ardety and tension in relationships at
Parents stress in Covid lockdowns

Parents who report finding taking care of their children's learning, finding space and time for themselves, the
partner, the children, and for the activities they used to do before the lockdown more difficult, were more
stressed. Even though parents now had more time for their children, the pressure to juggle multiple roles was
stressful and they were unable to devote time to parenting. More stressed parents found it more difficult to
understand their child's needs and to respond in a sensitive way. Thus, children in these families felt less
understood by their parents and reacted in more negative and aggressive ways. As children remained confined
to their homes during the pandemic, they were unable to meet their friends, play outdoors or enjoy an evening
in the park, as a result, they got stressed and misbehaved to vent out their frustration.
It has been observed that COVID 19 situation reported a high presence of psychological distress such as
depression, stress, irritability, and post-traumatic stress symptoms associated with quarantine. The closure of
schools further multiplied problems for parents because parents were left alone dealing with their children's
education and learning. The Covid-19 pandemic had made parents the de facto home school teachers and
tuition teachers. Unfortunately, they found it difficult to keep their children on track and help them with
assignments. The difficulty became frustrated if the children happened to be in different grades. Ensuring that
children attend the online classes as per the timetable, complete their homework and send it to the teacher and
prepare for the next day's class had been a cause of worry for many parents.
Impact of Covid-19 on the routine of families

It has also been observed that COVID-19 pandemic influenced family routines, relationships and
technology use (smart phones and tablet computers) among families with school going
children. As the pandemic dragged on and the burden of household and professional work
continued to increase, parents were neglecting their normal daily routines. As a result, children
followed the same haphazard habits and routine.
It had become especially difficult for parents to maintain a strict routine for their children, with
fixed times for meals, studying and sleeping.
In the current situation, parents were unable to restore structure and as a result, children lost
interest in everything and became aggressive. Low income group families found it difficult to
provide devices to their children for attending online classes. Many a time children failed to
attend online classes resulting in learning losses. While the pandemic forced families to adapt, it
also highlighted the importance of resilience, patience, and finding joy in the smaller, everyday
moments. As the world navigates through these changes, families are learning to appreciate the
flexibility and togetherness that can come from adapting to a new normal
Financial life during Covid-19 pandemic
Household income in India was drastically impacted due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown
from April 12, 2020. Covid-19 forced 30% of families into financial hardships and threw them off
their leet, impacting their ability to pay the rent, buy groceries, pay bills, access needed healthcare
service and see their way through a crisis. About 30% families had to cut down their expenses as
some family members lost jobs or had their salaries slashed. 20% families were forced to borrow
money from their relatives or take loans for their daily expenditure. It was harrowing time for
families living on rent as the landlords wanted rent on time and served eviction notices to tenants
who were unable to pay on time. The poor sections of society were worst hit by this wave.
Additionally, concerns about future financial stability and the long-term economic impact of the
pandemic added stress. The shift to remote work highlighted the digital divide, with those lacking
digital skills facing additional barriers. Overall, the pandemic underscored the importance of
financial resilience, emergency savings, and adaptability in navigating uncertain economic
• The low-income group, whose monthly income was less that Rs 15,000 suffered
the most due to such unplanned expenses as they did not have adequate savings
to cope up and this pushed them into further financial crisis. It has been
observed that 30 percent of respondents from medium income group lost a job
or income e to COVID 19. Most of these job or income losses were due to being
furloughed or experiencing reduced work hours. The people in retail business
were worst affected due closure of shops and reduced sales. Over 82% of small
businesses had experienced a negative impact, and 70% believe it will take
them nearly a year to recover demand levels prior to covid-19. Corona has not
spared anyone. Even the richer households suffered losses
It is clear that dealing with the effects of COVID-19 wasn't easy for regular folks like us. Many things we took
for granted, like getting together with friends or going to work or school, became really hard. The virus
messed up how we work, sometimes making it tough to even keep our jobs. It also messed with the money
situation, with some people losing jobs or not having as much work. Families had to figure out how to do
everything at home, like work and school, and that wasn't always easy. Plus, worries about health and safety
made everything more stressful. But even with all these challenges, people found ways to adapt. We learned
that being flexible and finding new ways to do things can help us get through even the toughest times.
the COVID-19 pandemic threw a multitude of challenges at ordinary individuals, making their day-to-day
lives significantly more complex. Mundane activities, such as socializing with friends, going to work, or
attending school, transformed into daunting tasks. The virus disrupted work routines, leading to job losses
and reduced work hours, creating financial hardships for many. Families faced the unprecedented challenge
of managing work, education, and domestic responsibilities all under one roof. The blurred lines between
professional and personal life brought an added layer of stress. Financial concerns added to the strain, with
economic uncertainties affecting livelihoods. The constant worry about health and safety exacerbated the
overall difficulty, making every decision and interaction more complicated. Despite these formidable
challenges, individuals showcased remarkable resilience and adaptability. The lessons learned from
navigating through these difficulties underscore the importance of flexibility, innovation, and community
support in overcoming unforeseen adversities. Looking forward, the experiences of these challenging times
will undoubtedly shape our approach to everyday life and future uncertainties.

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